
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Student affairs related job interview questions

☛ Tell us a little bit about yourself?

☛ What attracted you to the ________________ position at our institution?

☛ Why do you feel qualified for this position?

☛ Tell us how this position fits into your career goals?

☛ What student development theories do you apply in your daily profession?

☛ Describe your supervisory style?

☛ What role do you typically take on a team?

☛ What are the most important qualities of a team?

☛ Have you had previous experience in supervising staff or other individuals?

☛ How do you respond to conflict?

☛ How do you deal with ambiguity?

☛ What computer skills do you possess?

☛ What role (if any) should social media have in higher education?

☛ Do you have any special trainings or certifications? How has that helped your career?

☛ Share a recent project that you are most proud of.

☛ Share a recent decision that was difficult to make.

☛ What are the most pressing issues facing college students today?

☛ What do you feel are the special issues facing underrepresented students?

☛ When choosing a job what aspects are most important?

☛ Do you foresee any transition issues if you are offered and accept this position?

☛ What are your expectations of a supervisor?

☛ What did you enjoy most and least about your most recent position?

☛ What are your strengths?

☛ What areas do you need improvement?

☛ What does it mean to act with integrity?

☛ What is professionalism to you?

☛ How do you react when your opinion is in the minority?

☛ How do you deal with stress?

☛ What do you do for fun?

☛ Why should we hire you?


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