
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Teaching Assistant communication and managing difficult situations interview questions

► Do you think you would be able to effectively communicate with parents?

► How would you manage conflict with colleagues or parents?

► What would you do if a pupil was disruptive in class?

► How would you respond if a pupil didn't do as you asked them to?

► Tell us about a time when you were with a group of children and something went wrong, how did you remedy the situation?

► What would you do if a child complained they were bored?

► What would you do if a child didn't understand what they were supposed to be doing?

► What would you do if two children were constantly talking and giggling and disrupting the class?

► A group of pupils are angry and upset following a playground dispute. It's affecting the lesson, what would you do?

► Tell us about a time you had to use your own initiative to rescue a difficult situation?


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