⟩ Explain when Is The Auto-relight Function Activated?
Whenever an engine is at or below idle with the fuel control switch in RUN. FCOM 1 70.20.8
Whenever an engine is at or below idle with the fuel control switch in RUN. FCOM 1 70.20.8
Tell me what is the power factor of an alternator at no load?
Explain me will a D.C Shunt Motor operate on an A.C Supply?
Explain what is the difference between Power Transformers and Distribution Transformers?
Explain why Negative Feedback is preffered in the Control System?
Tell me why computer humming sound occurred in HT transmission line?
Explain what are constant and variable losses?
Please explain me what is your philosophy towards the work?
Explain where do you think one third of the electricity we generate at this power plant, goes?
Tell us have you ever come across a situation when the plant went into some technical issues, how did you manage that?
Tell me what will you do when your timed schedule or jobs assigned to the plant fail to meet due to some unforeseen forecast conditions?