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⟩ Explain What is the deference between Rx Lev Sub and Rx Lev Full?What you mean by Link Budget?

Rx_Level_Full is measured when DTX is off & Sub is when DTX

is on.

RX Lev Full: Its is nothing but the Mobile transmit the

measurment report(SACCH multiframe) for every 480ms. this

multiframe containes 104 TDMA frames, in 104 TDMA frames 4

TDMA frames for Decode the BSIC and remaining 100 TDMA

frames for Average measurment of serving cell and

neighbouring cell.This average measurment of 100 TDMA frames

are RX Lev Full

RX Lev Sub: DTX is a discontinouse trasmission, When the

mobile conversation 40% of the time either Trasmitter or

Receive is idle. When DTX is ON, DTX will switch off the

Trasmitter or Receiver when they is no speech Pulses. only

few TDMA frames will trasmit, the average of this TDMA

frames is called RX Lev Sub, give you proper measurment of

RX level


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