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⟩ How to execute a WinRunner Script in QuickTest Professional (QTP)?

(a) TSLTest.RunTest TestPath, TestSet [, Parameters ] --> Used in QTP 6.0 used for backward compatibility Parameters : The test set within Quality Center, in which test runs are stored. Note that this argument is relevant only when working with a test in a Quality Center project. When the test is not saved in Quality Center, this parameter is ignored.

e.g : TSLTest.RunTest "D:test1", ""

(b)TSLTest.RunTestEx TestPath, RunMinimized, CloseApp [, Parameters ] TSLTest.RunTestEx "C:WinRunnerTestsbasic_flight", TRUE, FALSE, "MyValue" CloseApp : Indicates whether to close the WinRunner application when the WinRunner test run ends. Parameters : Up to 15 WinRunner function argument


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