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⟩ Explain me a Basic RADAR System?

Given below are 6 major parts of a RADAR System:

☛ A Transmitter: It can be a power amplifier like a Klystron, Travelling Wave Tube or a power Oscillator like a Magnetron. The signal is first generated using a waveform generator and then amplified in the power amplifier.

☛ Waveguides: The waveguides are transmission lines for transmission of the RADAR signals.

☛ Antenna: The antenna used can be a parabolic reflector, planar arrays or electronically steered phased arrays.

☛ Duplexer: A duplexer allows the antenna to be used as a transmitter or a receiver. It can be a gaseous device that would produce a short circuit at the input to the receiver when transmitter is working.

☛ Receiver: It can be super heterodyne receiver or any other receiver which consists of a processor to process the signal and detect it.

☛ Threshold Decision: The output of the receiver is compared with a threshold to detect the presence of any object. If the output is below any threshold, the presence of noise is assumed.


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