⟩ 0 program Calculate Commission 1 total, number integer 2 commission_hi, commission_lo real 3 begin 4 read ( number ) 5 while number ≠ -1 loop 6 total = total + number 7 read ( number ) 8 endloop 9 if total > 1000 then 10 commission_hi = 100 + 0.2 * ( total - 1000 ) 11 else 12 commission_lo = 0.15 * total 13 endif 14 write ( "This salesman's commission is") 15 write ( commission_hi ) 16 end program Calculate Commission Which of the following correctly lists data flow anomalies that exist in the 'calculate commission' program? A. total line 6; commission_lo line 12; commision_hi line 15 B. commision_hi line 10; commission_lo line 12 C. number line 5; number line 6 D. total line 6; commision_hi line 10; commission_lo line 12
A. total: line 6; commission_lo: line 12; commision_hi: line 15