⟩ Top Hotel Concierge Interview Questions
☛ Share an experience you had in dealing with a difficult person and how you handled the situation.
☛ Provide an experience in which you were sensitive to somone's needs or feelings. How did your helpfulness affect your work environment?
☛ Share an experience in which you successfully shared a difficult piece of information. (Make sure that the candidate has open lines of communication.)
☛ Share an effective method you have used to provide patrons with information about local features.
☛ What is the key to success when communicating with the public.
☛ Describe a time when you successfully provided personal assistance to a coworker or patron.
☛ Tell me how you organize, plan, and prioritize your work.
☛ Share an experience when you applied new technology or information in your job. How did it help your company?
☛ Name a time when your patience was tested. How did you keep your emotions in check?
☛ Tell me about an experience in which you analyzed information and evaluated results to choose the best solution to a problem.
☛ Share an example of a time you had to gather information from multiple sources. How did you determine which information was relevant?
☛ Provide an experience in which your ability to actively find ways to help people improved your company or your own work ethic.
☛ Provide an example of a time when you were able to demonstrate excellent listening skills. What was the situation and outcome?
☛ Give me an example of when you thought outside of the box. How did it help your employer?
☛ Share an example of when you went above and beyond the "call of duty". (Look for answers that show the candidate is dependable.)