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⟩ Explain what are the advantages of Bootstrap?

There are many advantages of using Bootstrap:

☛ Bootstrap Css library takes care of our UI to make interactive mobile + desktop enabled websites, developers can even create a fully furnished jaw dropping website easily.

☛ The speed of development can be increased with the help of Bootstrap.

☛ With the increase in mobile first, website designers need to work a lot in order to make the UI adapt to all kinds of devices, whereas with the help of bootstrap this overhead has been reduced to quite an extent.

☛ Responsive Grid: As you go in depth with Bootstrap and read about Grid you will see that 12 columns are grids and are responsive and you can make them self-adjusting according to the device.

☛ There is a huge list of Components -- Dropdown menu, badges etc. A few have been discussed in this article.

☛ Easy to read documentation: I personally believe if you want to learn Bootstrap from scratch documentation is easy and great to start with. I personally appreciate their efforts we can go back to the site whenever we something is needed in our View.

☛ Themes: Bootstrap provides free colorful themes that can be used in our Web Application.


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