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⟩ Explain me how To Optimize The Page Using Front End Code Or Technology?

Below is the list of best practices for front-end technology, which helps to optimize page.

☛ Improve server response by reducing resource usage per page

☛ Combine all external CSS files into one file

☛ Combine all external JS files into one file

☛ Use responsive design instead of making device based redirects

☛ Use asynchronous Javascript and remove block level Javascript

☛ Use Minify version of stylesheet and javascript.

☛ Optimize Image and use correct format of Image. Use the lazy loading design pattern for large size of images.

☛ Use browser side cache with Cache control.

☛ Avoid plugins to drive functionality.

☛ Configure view port and use CSS best practices.

☛ Prioritize visible content.

☛ Load style-sheets in header and script in footer.


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