⟩ What are the different arms of an investment bank?
The primary arms are Sales and Trading, Corporate Finance (also known as Investment Banking), and Research (Equity and other Instruments).
The primary arms are Sales and Trading, Corporate Finance (also known as Investment Banking), and Research (Equity and other Instruments).
What motivates you to put forth your best effort? What type of work environment brings out your best effort?
Are you interviewing for jobs outside of investment banking?
What is a fairness opinion?
Give me an example of a time you worked as part of a team?
What are your long-term plans as Investment Banker?
Where do you see yourself professionally in five years as Investment Banker?
Why do you want to work for Goldman Sachs?
Where else are you interviewing? Are you interviewing outside of banking?
What motivates you as Investment Banker?
What have you learned from your studies that can be applied to a career in investment banking?