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⟩ Please explain how many markup elements do you know used in HTML5?

There are many markup elements, these include:

☛ <article>: Specifies the self-contained and independent content. This includes a news article, a blog post, a forum post and other elements that could be used to share and distribute from the rest of the site.

☛ <aside>: Used to indicate the aside content from the main content. The aside content should be related to the outside content.

☛ <bdi> : For elements that should not be bounded by the text direction of the parent elements .

☛ <command>: A checkbox, a radio button, or just a simple button can be used as a command.

☛ <details>: To describe the details about the document and parts of the document.

☛ <summary>: A caption or a summary inside the details of the document or parts of the document.

☛ <figure>: For grouping a section or a stand-alone part of a web page. This can include an audio or a video.

☛ <figcaption>: To edit the caption of the figure selected. Used to give names of the figure selected.

☛ <footer>: Found at the end or the bottom of a page of the document. The footer information may include the author information, the page number, the date of the document, the contact information and the copyright information and details.

☛ <header>: Found at the top of the webpage could include various buttons like navigation and also information about the website.

☛ <hgroup>: Used to set the heading size of the webpage. The largest id for the main heading while the rest are all sub headings. The heading size varies from <h1> to <h6>. This constitutes the hgroup.

☛ <mark>: Used for texts that should be highlighted.

☛ <meter>: Used for measurement purposes. Also done when the maximum and minimum values are known.

☛ <nav>: Used for navigational purposes or for a section of the webpage that requires navigation.

☛ <progress>: To state the work progress of a webpage.

☛ <ruby>: For ruby annotations or for foreign languages and their symbols.

☛ <section>: For a section in the document. This includes headers, footers, chapters or any other subsections of the document.

☛ <time>: For defining the date, time or both.

☛ <wbr>: For depicting word break or for the areas where there is a new line or a paragraph.


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