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⟩ Tell me how can I change what appears between Categories when I post in more than one Category?

To configure the way the post’s categories display, open the index.php file and find the line <div class meta>. There you will see the following code:

<?php the_category() ?>

Inside of the parentheses ( ) and quote marks, add or change this to reflect the new look you desire.

If you would like to have commas between the categories, the tag should read:

<?php the_category(‘,’) ?>

If you would like to have an arrow, the tag would look like this:

<?php the_category(‘ > ‘) ?>

If you would like to have a bullet, the tag would look like this:

<?php the_category(‘ • ‘) ?>

If you would like the “pipe” ( | ) between the categories, the tag would look like this:

<?php the_category(‘ | ‘) ?>

Use your imagination and creativity to make the separations in the categories look any way you like.


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