⟩ How To Tell Web Browsers That Your Web Pages Have Atom Feeds?
One way to tell Web browsers that your Web pages have Atom Feed files is to add a "link" tag in the header section of your Web pages. The "link" tag defines a "link" element with 4 attributes:
* rel="alternate" - Defines the relation of this Web page and the Atom feed file.
* type="application/atom+xml" - Defines the MIME type of the Atom feed file.
* href="urlOfAtomFeedFile" - Defines the location of the Atom feed file.
* title="titleOfTheFeed" - Defines the title of the Atom feed file.
The following Web page contains a "link" tag good example that associate an Atom feed to this page:
<title>Webmaster GlobalGuideLine</title>
<link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml"
href="atom.xml" title="Atom feed for FAQ pages">
<p>Definitions of Webmaster on the Web:</p>
<li>The person responsible for maintaining and
updating a Web site.</li>
<li>The administrator, maintainer and/or creater
of a web site.<li>
<li>The person who lays out the information trees,
designs the look, codes HTML pages, handles editing
and additions and checks that links are intact.</li>