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⟩ Give an example of wimax TLV format?


FEC code type for downlink burst

150(0x96), 0x01(msb:0),0x01(QPSK 1/2)

★ Here first byte is type.

★ As value is less than 127 length field in second byte is one byte with msb set to zero and its remaining 7 bytes indicates that size of value field is one(1).

★ The value field is mentioned as 0x01 representing as QPSK 1/2 modulation-code rate.

If the size of 'value' field is more than 127 bytes(>127) then

★ Size of length field shall be one byte more than what is actually used to mention size of 'value' field in bytes.

★ MSB of first byte of 'length' field is set to one

★ The remaining 7 bits of first byte of 'length' field indicates additional bytes of 'length' field

★ The bytes other than first byte of 'length field' is used to mention size of the 'value field'.


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