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⟩ How do I handle the back and forward buttons in AJAX?

While you could go out and create a custom solution that tracks the current state on your application I recommend you leave this to the experts. Dojo addresses the navigation in a browser neutral way as can be seen in the JavaScript example below.

function updateOnServer(oldId, oldValue,

itemId, itemValue) {

var bindArgs = {

url: "faces/ajax-dlabel-update",

method: "post",

content: {"component-id": itemId, "component-value":


mimetype: "text/xml",

load: function(type, data) {



backButton: function() {

alert("old itemid was " + oldId);


forwardButton: function(){

alert("forward we must go!");




The example above will update a value on the server using with a function as a property that is responsible for dealing with the browser back button event. As a developer you are capable of restoring the value to the oldValue or taking any other action that you see fit.


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