
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Tell me what prompted you to apply for this job?

I’m excited by the possibilities presented by your company. I’d like to be a part of its future success, and I want to help it to continue to grow by…

“This role offers exactly the types of challenges and responsibilities I’m looking for and is ideally suited to my skills and experience…”


☛ Focus on emphasising the match between your skills and experience and the operations and culture of the company you’re applying to.

☛ Be honest and upfront about your motivations, while explaining why you’re passionate about the role. These qualities will shine through in your answer and impress much more than simply trying to tell them what you think they want to hear.

☛ Demonstrate your understanding of the company and show that you’ve researched your potential employer thoroughly, and have good reasons for wanting to work there.


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