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[1] IELTS Listening
“IELTS Listening Test is 30 minutes long and is four recorded monologues and conversations. So listen carefully all the recordings. The Listening test is the same for both Academic and General Training tests.”
[2] IELTS Reading Test
“IELTS Reading Test are based on two types. If you are taking IELTS to study abroad then you will take the Academic IELTS Reading Module. If you are taking IELTS for other purposes such as working abroad, then you will take the General Training Reading Module.”
[3] IELTS Speaking
“These IELTS Speaking Test questions with answers are provided to you, so you can see the kind of questions you may get and possible ways to answers them. Interviewer will also give you ideas of the sorts of things you can talk about.”
[4] IELTS Writing
“The IELTS Writing part of the IELTS test varies depending on whether you are taking the exam to study or work abroad. If you are going to study abroad, you will take the Academic Writing Section. If you are intending to work abroad, you will take the General Training Section.”
[5] Phonologist
“Phonologist Frequently Asked Questions in various Phonologist job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job interview”