Why does your site needs HTTPS?
If you aren't using HTTPS on your site then you should start doing so right away. You're misguided if you don't believe it's necessary or significant.
Security should be a top priority for all websites. However, I continue to observe a large number of websites that do not use HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure).
Security does have an impact on your website's performance. Furthermore, HTTPS is used by almost every high-quality website on the internet. Consider it a must-have for your site.
The rules for transferring information from a server to a web browser are known as hypertext transfer protocols (HTTP).
HTTP uses plain text communication, which means that any third party can read the communication between the server and the browser. Personal and sensitive information could be stolen if this happens.
HTTPS is used by websites to keep communication private. The identical dialogue takes place between a server and a web browser with HTTPS, except the data is encrypted using SSL/TLS [Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security].
HTTPS helps prevent hackers from interfering with the communications between your website and your visitors' browsers. Intruders include both hostile attackers and respectable but intrusive businesses like ISPs and hotels that inject advertisements onto web sites