What is the meaning of the song, I love you, Goodbye by Nina?
This song has a deep meaning. A song about true love. It is a very sad song. Wishing the love of your life all the best for his/her life, for the happiness, for the love, all of these is the very act of unselfish love and sacrifice. Once you loved somebody, it's hard to let him/ her go. But you know in your heart you can't make that person stay with you forever. There is someone who can love him /her better than you. It really hurts coz you have shared a lot of things. He/she might used to tell you that he /she is happy with you that you make his/her life complete. But those are still not enough reason for him/her to choose you . You feel you are not deserving for that person. You are willing to give him/her to the person that he/she loves more than you. You are willing to give the person the power to choose. Sad to say He/she is not choosing you because if he/she is happy with you then he/ she will choose you. You don't want to hold him/her back. You have to let him/her go if you really love him/ her set him/ her free. If he/she comes back he/she is yours, if he/she doesn't then he /she never was. You can't love the person if his/her heart belongs to someone else.
Leaving someone is very painful. But life must go on. You have to accept it so that you will not have false hope and continue your heartaches. Someday, you will find someone that will give you the utmost happiness you deserved.