
In terms of direct and indirect values of nature and biodiversity, Choose one type of value of nature and explain the concept. Relate this directly to the topic of wetlands by finding an example.

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The value of nature and biodiversity provides all the resources such as food, clothing, housing, energy, medicine,  that are divided into two categories the directly and indirectly and is related to the biological variety present in biosphere. 

Let us choose one type of value of nature  the aesthetic value:

• This concept is it is a part of biodiversity that supply the beauty of our nature. That is the difference of the earth from other planet as well. The biodiversity provides scenic enjoyment and outdoor recreation. People enjoy going to the nature and wildlife.

Wetlands relate to aesthetic value of nature.  It is difficult to be developed as it is appealing to land owners and community because wetlands are difficult to drain and clear for example the stream and rivers that is flowing in it. So it is preserved and offer recreational as well as aesthetic value such as hunting, fishing, bird watching, canoeing, photography and painting.

Wetlands supply in wildlife habitat and it is seen as the most valued in aesthetic value of nature because people go and visit wetlands to see the wildlife and paint the beauty of this nature. 

In this part of direct and indirect values of nature and biodiversity you can see the aesthetic value of nature as it is very interesting and very natural.

The aesthetic value enhances the beauty of the nature. This can also be converted into eco tourism that is very relevant today as many  countries can be major  source of income.

Each ecosystem such as wetlands, forestland, desert and many more provide opportunities for both recreational and aesthetic. One of this is wetlands. 

Wetlands are very rich environment. Its vast, beautiful and has very interesting ecological biodiversity that is why many people especially artists and photographers would visit and paint the nature in canvas. They would also like to enjoy the beauty of wetlands for other recreational activities