
Topic: Inheritance

What is an accessor?

An accessor is a class operation that does not modify the state of an object. The accessor functions need to be declared as const operations

Browse random answers:

Explain the ISA and HASA class relationships. How would you implement each in a class design?
Does c++ support multilevel and multiple inheritance?
What is RTTI?
What is the difference between composition and inheritance?
What is an accessor?
what is the use of volatile keyword? Give me one example?
Why Call by reference technique is used in case of Copy constructor & not call by value?
Is there any way to write a class such that no class can be inherited from it. Please include code
What do you mean by inheritance?
What does inheritance means in C++? What are the different forms of inheritance? Give an example for each.
How to create object for singleton class?
it possible to inherit the private member in drived class?
Can you prevent your class from being inherited and becoming a base class for some other classes?
what are the advantages and disadvantages of inheritance?
What is the difference between superclass and subclass?
Whether there will be a default constructor provided by the compiler in above case ?class A(){};int main(){A a;}
When should you use multiple inheritance?
What is a modifier?
What is a mutable member?
If a base class has a bunch of overloaded constructors, and an inherited class has another bunch of overloaded constructors, can you enforce a call from an inherited constructor to an arbitrary base constructor?
Can you allow class to be inherited, but prevent the method from being over-ridden?
how to select access modifier & what's need of access modifier?
Can you inherit multiple interfaces?
how many types of Inheritence ?
explain the real word example of multilevel inheritance?
Virtual constructor: Constructors cannot be virtual. Declaring a constructor as a virtual function is a syntax error. Does c++ support multilevel and multiple inheritance?
When would I use inheritance?
How do you express inheritance in C++? 
Is it OK to convert a pointer from a derived class to its base class? 
What's the difference between public, private, and protected? 
Why can't my derived class access private things from my base class? 
How can I protect derived classes from breaking when I change the internal parts of the base class? 
I've been told to never use protected data, and instead to always use private data with protected access functions. Is that a good rule? 
What is inherited from the base class?
Explain about Inheritance between classes ?
Explain about Base & Derived Classes ?
Explain about the Access Control and Inheritance ?
How many Type of Inheritance ?
Explain about execution of base class constructor ?
What are the Overriding of method(function) in inheritance ?
Explain about Virtual Base Class ?
Why java does not support Multiple Inheritance?
What are Encapsulation, Inheritance and Polymorphism?
What is the object-oriented design,inheritance and dynamic polymorphism in c++?
When should you use multiple inheritance?
What is public, protected, private in C++?
Should I hide member functions that were public in my base class? 
Converting Derived* → Base* works OK; why doesn't Derived** → Base** work? 
What would be printed out – and in what order?  execution order of the constructor and destructor in inheritance. 
Inheritance syntax
Explain about Inheritance Overview ?
Explain about Key Properties of C++ Inheritance