
Topic: PL/SQL

What is COMPUTE? 

command control computations on subsets created by the BREAK command.

Browse random answers:

How can you find within a PL/SQL block, if a cursor is open? 
how to display all table names for a given column name in db2?
Why PL/SQL does not support retriving multiple records? 
What is Date Functions? 
What is COLUMN? 
What is Multiple columns? 
What is BREAK? 
What is SQL*Plus? 
What is Posting? 
What is TTITLE and BTITLE? 
What is SQL Deadlock? 
What is Sequences? 
What is Rollback? 
Operators used in SELECT statements are? 
What is Data types? 
What is BREAK? 
What is SET? 
What is Minus? 
What is the use of CASCADE CONSTRAINTS? 
What is Date Functions? 
What is COMPUTE? 
What is PL/SQL?
What is the basic structure of PL/SQL?
What are the components of a PL/SQL block?
What are the datatypes a available in PL/SQL?
What is Set Transaction? 
What is Locking? 
What is SQL Integrity?
What is Consistency? 
What are % TYPE and % ROWTYPE? What are the advantages of using these over datatypes?
What will happen after commit statement ?
Operators used in SELECT statements are?
The most important DDL statements in SQL are? 
What is SQL*Loader?
What is Mutating SQL Table? 
SELECT statements in SQL? 
The INSERT INTO Statements in SQL? 
The Update Statement in SQL. 
The Delete Statements in SQL?
BETWEEN ... AND operators in SQL. 
Sort the Rows in SQL.
The Update Statement in SQL. 
Describe the use of PL/SQL tables
How can you generate debugging output from PL/SQL?
How can I get recent 10 records out of 100 records
Explain rowid,rownum?What are the psoducolumns we have?
What are the different datatypes that can be defined in a PL/SQL block? | PL SQL
What is the basic structure of a Procedural Language/Structured Query Language (PL/SQL) block? | PL SQL
Can the PL/SQL block process more than one exception at a time? | PL SQL
What are the restrictions on functions that are called within SQL statements? | PL SQL
When is the CURSOR_ALREADY_OPEN exception raised? | PL SQL
What is the advantage of having a separate exception section within a PL/SQL code? | PL SQL
Explain the advantages of PL/SQL.  
Explain block structure of PL/SQL.
What is large object in oracle? Explain its purposes.  
Explain types of large objects in oracle, i.e. BLOB, LLOB,NCLOB and BFILE.  
How many different triggers are available in Report?
What is the difference between After Parameter Trigger and Before Report Trigger? 
What happens when Flex mode is on ? 
What is the difference between Frame and Repeating Frame? 
Define read-only replication and its uses.  
Explain the steps executed during SQL statement processing.  
Explain the steps executed during a typical transaction.  
Explain how oracle optimizer works.  
Describe in brief about oracle database tuning.  
What are different types of column in reports? 
What is proactive tuning and reactive tuning? 
What are the various types of reports ?
What are Placeholder Columns ?
What are the various Module Types in Reports ?
What are Physical and Logical pages in Reports ?
What are the various page layout sections in Oracle Reports ?
Explain rule-based optimizer and cost-based optimizer.  
Describe how to reference remote tables in procedures with an example.  
Explain the significance of Return clause in stored procedure.  
What are actual and formal parameters in oracle?  
How do you reference parameters and columns in reports ?
What are the various values of the horizontal of vertical sizing property ?
What is the 'Print Direction' Property of Repeating frames ?
What is 'Page Break Before' object property ?
 What is the 'Break Order' property of columns ?
What are the various types of links ?
What are the various report layout regions ?
In Brief Describe the various report layout regions?
 What is more efficient : Maximum rows or Group Filter ?
What are the various page layout sections in Oracle Reports ?
What are various types of parameters ?
How do you reference parameters and columns in reports ?
What are Bind Referencing and Lexical Referencing ?
Describe the use of %ROWTYPE and %TYPE in PL/SQL 
What is a mutating table error and how can you get around it? 
Describe the use of %ROWTYPE and %TYPE in PL/SQL 
Which of the following is not a feature of a cursor FOR loop? 
Describe the difference between a procedure, function and anonymous pl/sql block. 
Which of the following statements is true about implicit cursors? 
How can you find within a PL/SQL block, if a cursor is open? 
PL/SQL offers which collection types?
What is the default return value for a function in pl/sql ? 
what is the difference between an explicit cursor and select into statement?