
Topic: Threads

Explain field MIN_PRIORITY in treads ?

The minimum priority that a thread can have.

Browse random answers:

What is the difference between processes and threads? 
Explain different ways of creating a thread?
Write example of thread?
Write thread program using runnable interface?
What is a runnable in thread?
What is the use of Running in threads?
Need of Waiting in thread?
What is the use of Sleeping in threads?
Explain Blocked on I/O stage in threads?
Explain Blocked on synchronization stage in threads?
Explain Dead in threads?
What is the difference between yield and sleeping? What is the difference between the methods sleep( ) and wait( )? 
Why is locking of a method or block of code for thread safety is called "synchronized" and not "lock" or "locked"?
How does thread synchronization occurs inside a monitor? What levels of synchronization can you apply? What is the difference between synchronized method and synchronized block? 
Why synchronization is important?  
What is a ThreadLocal class?  
What is a daemon thread?  
How can threads communicate with each other? How would you implement a producer (one thread) and a consumer (another thread) passing data (via stack)? 
Which of the following is true?a) wait( ), notify( ) ,notifyall( ) are defined as final & can be called only from within a synchronized methodb) Among wait( ), notify( ), notifyall( ) the wait() method only throws IOExceptionc) wait( ),notify( ),notifyall( ) & sleep () are methods of object class
What are some of the threads related problems and what causes those problems?
What happens if you call the run( ) method directly instead of via the start method?
What happens if you restart a thread that has already started?
Write a multi-threaded Java program in which, one thread generates odd numbers and write to a pipe and the second thread generates even numbers and write to another pipe, and a third thread receives the numbers from both the pipes and evaluates if the sum is multiples of 5?
Explain   Class Thread in awt?
Explain method public Thread(ThreadGroup group,              Runnable target,              String name) in threads?
Explain method public Thread(ThreadGroup group,              Runnable target,              String name,              long stackSize) in thredas?
Explain method currentThread in threads?
Explain method public static void yield() in threads?
Explain method public static void sleep(long millis)  in threads?                  throws InterruptedException
Explain  method public static void sleep(long millis,                         int nanos)                  throws InterruptedException  in threads?
Explain method start in java?
Explain method run in java?
Explain method stop in java?
Explain method interrupt in java?
Explain method interrupted in threads?
Explain method isInterrupted in threads?
Explain method destroy in threads?
Explain method  isAlive in threads?
Explain method suspend in threads?
Explain method resume in threads?
Explain method getPriority in threads?
Explain method setName in threads?
Explain method getName in threads?
Explain method getThreadGroup in threads?
Explain method activeCount in threads?
Explain method enumerate in threads?
Explain method countStackFrames in threads?
Explain method  join in  threads
Explain method join?
Explain method dumpStack in threads?
Explain method setDaemon in threads?
Explain method isDaemon in threads?
Explain method checkAccess in threads?
Explain method toString in threads?
Explain method getContextClassLoader in threads?
Explain method setContextClassLoader in threads?
Explain method holdsLock in threads?
Explain method getStackTrace in threads?
Explain method getAllStackTraces in threads?
Explain methods getId in threads?
Explain method getState in threads?
Explain method setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler in threads?
Explain method getDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler in threads?
What is the Fork/Join framework (JSR 166y)?
Explain method getUncaughtExceptionHandler in threads?
What is the purpose of the CopyOnWriteArrayList and CopyOnWriteArraySet collections?
Explain method setUncaughtExceptionHandler in threads?
What is the primary difference between pessimistic and optimistic concurrency control?
Explain field  MAX_PRIORITY  in threads?
How do I configure a default handler for exceptions that happen in all threads? 
Explain field MIN_PRIORITY in treads ?
How can I get the number of active Groups within a ThreadGroup?
Explain field NORM_PRIORITY  in threads?
What is a ThreadGroup? 
Explain Interface Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler in threads?
How can a Thread preempt another Thread?
What is a Thread identifer and how can I obtain it?
How can I create a thread pool? 
How can I tell the difference between wait(timeout) timing out and actually being notified?
What purpose does the TimeUnit class have?
How can i tell what state a thread is in?
How can I determine if a thread is alive? 
How can I create a daemon thread? 
How do I configure a default handler for exceptions that happen in my threads?
What happens if two threads perform a get of one hashmap at the same time? 
Is it possible to wake up a sleeping thread? 
Thread synchronization seems to work using a queue -- that the waiting threads will acquire the released lock in first-in, first-out order. Is this behavior reliable? 
How do I capture an exception stack trace and put it into a string? 
What is double-checked locking? Does it work? 
What are the threading options available when using hotspot on solaris? What are the performance implications? and defaults for various JVM versions?
What does it mean to lock an object? 
How do I reset a scheduled task so that it stops and then is rescheduled for the next cycle? 
Is Vector's clone method thread-safe? 
Do I have to synchronize read-only access to a text file? 
How to stop a thread which is waiting for a client socket connection? 
Can we fork another process from Java? 
How soon after calling start() will the run() method be executed? 
In case of images how does thread spawning work? Can I stop the AWT from creating a thread for the image while loading? 
What is piped I/O used for?
How do I exacute a block of code after the first of two threads finishes, no matter which one finishes first?