Logical Reasoning

Topic: Statement and assumption

Statement: Let us increase the taxes to cover the deficit.Assumptions:The present taxes are very low.Deficit in a budget is not desirable.If the taxes are not increased, the deficit cannot be met.A.	Only I and II are implicitB.	Only II and III are implicitC.	Only I and III are implicitD.	All are implicitE.	None of these

Answer: Option BExplanation:Clearly, the statement shows that the present taxes are not sufficient to meet the deficit but they may still be high. So, I is not implicit. Since the statement talks of covering the deficit, so II is implicit. Also, the taxes are increased to meet the deficit. So, III is also implicit.

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Statement: Many people have expressed surprise as the princess has broken the royal tradition of marriage by choosing a commoner as her life partner.Assumptions:People expect royal families to observe customs and traditions.People still value 'purity of royal blood' and 'status' when it comes to a marriage of members of royal family.A.	Only assumption I is implicitB.	Only assumption II is implicitC.	Either I or II is implicitD.	Neither I nor II is implicitE.	Both I and II are implicit
Statement: Highly brilliant and industrious students do not always excel in the written examination.Assumptions:The written examination is good mainly for mediocre students.The brilliant and industrious students cannot always write good answers in the examA.	Only assumption I is implicitB.	Only assumption II is implicitC.	Either I or II is implicitD.	Neither I nor II is implicitE.	Both I and II are implicit
Statement: Sachin's mother instructed him to return home by train if it rains heavily.Assumptions:Sachin may not be able to decide himself if it rains heavily.The trains may ply even if it rains heavily.A.	Only assumption I is implicitB.	Only assumption II is implicitC.	Either I or II is implicitD.	Neither I nor II is implicitE.	Both I and II are implicit
Statement: "Please put more people on the job to make up for the delay."Assumptions:Delay is inevitable in most jobs.Output will increase with more number of people on the job.A.	Only assumption I is implicitB.	Only assumption II is implicitC.	Either I or II is implicitD.	Neither I nor II is implicitE.	Both I and II are implicit
Statement: In spite of less than normal rainfall in the catchment areas during the first two months of monsoon of the lakes supplying water to the city the authority has not yet affected any cut in the water supply to the city.Assumptions:The rainfall during the remaining part of the monsoon may be adequate for normal water supply.The present water level of the lakes supplying water to the city may be adequate for normal supply.A.	Only assumption I is implicitB.	Only assumption II is implicitC.	Either I or II is implicitD.	Neither I nor II is implicitE.	Both I and II are implicit
Statement: If you are an engineer, we have a challenging job for you.Assumptions:We need an engineer.You are an engineer.A.	Only assumption I is implicitB.	Only assumption II is implicitC.	Either I or II is implicitD.	Neither I nor II is implicitE.	Both I and II are implicit
Statement: In spite of poor services, the commutators have not complained against it.Assumptions:Generally people do not tolerate poor services.Complaints sometimes improve services.A.	Only assumption I is implicitB.	Only assumption II is implicitC.	Either I or II is implicitD.	Neither I nor II is implicitE.	Both I and II are implicit
Statement: "Wanted a two bedroom flat in the court area for immediate possession." - An advertisement.Assumptions:Flats are available in court area.Some people will respond to the advertisement.It is a practice to give such an advertisement.A.	All are implicitB.	Only II is implicitC.	None is implicitD.	Only I and II are implicitE.	None of these
Statement: This book is so prepared that even a layman can study science in the absence of a teacher.Assumptions:A layman wishes to study science without a teacher.A teacher may not always be available to teach science.A layman generally finds it difficult to learn science on its own.A.	Only I and II are implicitB.	Only II and III are implicitC.	Only I and III are implicitD.	All are implicitE.	None of these
Statement: "We do not want you to see our product on newspaper, visit our shop to get a full view." - An advertisement.Assumptions:People generally decide to purchase any product after seeing the name in the advertisement.Uncommon appeal may attract the customers.People may come to see the product.A.	None is implicitB.	Only I and II are implicitC.	Only II and III are implicitD.	All are implicitE.	None of these
Statement: There is big boom in drug business and a number of jhuggi-jhopari dwellers in Delhi can be seen pedalling with small pouches of smack and brown sugar.Assumptions:Drug addiction is increasing in the country, specially in the capital.All the big dons involved in the smuggling of drugs live in jhuggi-jhopari areas.Most of the jhuggi-jhopari dwellers would do anything for money.A.	Only I is implicitB.	Only II is implicitC.	Only III is implicitD.	Only I and III are implicitE.	Either I or III is implicit
Statement: "X-chocolate is ideal as a gift for someone you love." - An advertisement.Assumptions:People generally give gifts to loved ones.Such advertisements generally influence people.Chocolate can be considered as a gift item.A.	Only I and II are implicitB.	Only II and III are implicitC.	Only I and III are implicitD.	All are implicitE.	None of these
Statement: In order to reduce the gap between income and expenditure, the company has decided to increase the price of its product from next month.Assumptions:The rate will remain more or less same after the increase.The expenditure will more or less remain the same in near future.The rival companies will also increase the price of the similar product.A.	Only I and II are implicitB.	Only II and III are implicitC.	Only III is implicitD.	All are implicitE.	None of these
Statement: 'Several labour and industrial courts in this State have no proper premises. Vacancies of judges and stenos are kept pending.' - A statement of a retired judge of State X.Assumptions:Adequate number of staff and judges helps in the smooth functioning of the industrial and labour courts.The State is not bothered about the condition of the labour and industrial courts.Physical facilities of an office help in increasing efficiency of its employees.A.	Only I and III are implicitB.	Only II is implicitC.	Only II and III are implicitD.	All I, II and III are implicitE.	None of these
Statement: "A rare opportunity to be a professional while you are at home." - An advertisement for computer literate housewives by a computer company.Assumptions:Some housewives simultaneously desire to become professional.Computer industry is growing at a fast pace.It is possible to be a professional as well as a housewife.A.	Only I and II are implicitB.	Only II and III are implicitC.	Only I and III are implicitD.	Only II is implicitE.	None of these
Statement: Pramod decided to get the railway reservation in May, for the journey he wants to make in July, to Madras.Assumptions:The railways issues reservations two months in advance.There are more than one trains to Madras.There will be vacancy in the desired class.A.	Only I is implicitB.	Only II and III are implicitC.	Only I and III are implicitD.	All are implicitE.	None of these
Statement: "To make the company commercially viable, there is an urgent need to prune the staff strength and borrow money from the financial institutions." - Opinion of a consultant.Assumptions:The financial institutions lend money for such proposals.The product of the company has a potential market.The employees of the company are inefficient.A.	None is implicitB.	All are implicitC.	Only I and II are implicitD.	Only II and III are implicitE.	Only I and III are implicit
Statement: Please do not use lift while going down - an instruction on the top floor of a five-storey building.Assumptions:While going down, the lift is unable to carry any load.Provision of lift is a matter of facility and not of right.A.	Only assumption I is implicitB.	Only assumption II is implicitC.	Either I or II is implicitD.	Neither I nor II is implicitE.	Both I and II are implicit
Statement: "I have not received telephone bills for nine months inspite of several complaints" - A telephone customer's letter to the editor of a dailyAssumptions:Every customer has a right to get bills regularly from the telephone company.The customer's complaints point to defect in the services which are expected to be corrected.A.	Only assumption I is implicitB.	Only assumption II is implicitC.	Either I or II is implicitD.	Neither I nor II is implicitE.	Both I and II are implicit
Statement: "This drink can be had either as it is, or after adding ice to it." - An advertisement.Assumptions:People differ in their preferences.Some people will get attracted to the drink as it can be had as it is.A.	Only assumption I is implicitB.	Only assumption II is implicitC.	Either I or II is implicitD.	Neither I nor II is implicit
Statement: Government has permitted unaided colleges to increase their fees.Assumptions:Unaided colleges are in financial difficulties.Aided colleges do not need to increase fees.A.	Only assumption I is implicitB.	Only assumption II is implicitC.	Either I or II is implicitD.	Neither I nor II is implicitE.	Both I and II are implicit
Statement: Be humble even after being victorious.Assumptions:Many people are humble after being victorious.Generally people are not humble.A.	Only assumption I is implicitB.	Only assumption II is implicitC.	Either I or II is implicitD.	Neither I nor II is implicitE.	Both I and II are implicit
Statement: "Private property, trespassers will be prosecuted" - A notice on a plot of land.Assumptions:The passerby may read the notice and may not trespass.The people are scared of prosecution.A.	Only assumption I is implicitB.	Only assumption II is implicitC.	Either I or II is implicitD.	Neither I nor II is implicitE.	Both I and II are implicit
Statement: Without reforming the entire administrative system, we cannot eradicate corruption and prejudice from the society.Assumptions:The existence of corruption and prejudice is good.There is enough flexibility to change the administrative system.A.	Only assumption I is implicitB.	Only assumption II is implicitC.	Either I or II is implicitD.	Neither I nor II is implicitE.	Both I and II are implicit
Statement: The civic authority has advised the residents in the area to use mosquito repellents or sleep inside nets as large number of people are suffering from malaria.Assumptions:Local residents have enough money to arrange for the repellents or nets.People may ignore and continue to get mosquito bites as they have other pressing needs.A.	Only assumption I is implicitB.	Only assumption II is implicitC.	Either I or II is implicitD.	Neither I nor II is implicitE.	Both I and II are implicit
Statement: Vitamin E tablets improve circulation, keep your complexion in a glowing condition.Assumptions:People like a glowing complexion.Complexion becomes dull in the absence of circulation.A.	Only assumption I is implicitB.	Only assumption II is implicitC.	Either I or II is implicitD.	Neither I nor II is implicitE.	Both I and II are implicit
Statement: No budgetary provision for the purpose of appointing additional faculty would be made in the context of institute's changed financial priorities.Assumptions:Appointment of faculty requires funds.There are areas other than appointment of faculty which require more financial attention.A.	Only assumption I is implicitB.	Only assumption II is implicitC.	Either I or II is implicitD.	Neither I nor II is implicitE.	Both I and II are implicit
Statement: The economic condition of the country has gone from bad to worse.Assumptions:The government has failed to tackle economic problems.People are not cooperating with the government.A.	Only assumption I is implicitB.	Only assumption II is implicitC.	Either I or II is implicitD.	Neither I nor II is implicitE.	Both I and II are implicit
Statement: The office building needs repairing just as urgently as it needs internal as well as external painting.Assumptions:Efficiency of people working in the office cannot be improved unless office building is repaired.Repairing and painting of office building require funds.A.	Only assumption I is implicitB.	Only assumption II is implicitC.	Either I or II is implicitD.	Neither I nor II is implicitE.	Both I and II are implicit
Statement: The private bus service in the city has virtually collapsed because of the ongoing strike of its employees.Assumptions:Going on strikes has become the right of every employee.People no more require the services of private bus operators.A.	Only assumption I is implicitB.	Only assumption II is implicitC.	Either I or II is implicitD.	Neither I nor II is implicitE.	Both I and II are implicit
Statement: Neither fascism nor communism has any chance of succeeding in America.Assumptions:American people are strongly in favour of preserving the rights of the individual.Americans have so far not suffered any pangs of poverty or deprivation.A.	Only assumption I is implicitB.	Only assumption II is implicitC.	Either I or II is implicitD.	Neither I nor II is implicitE.	Both I and II are implicit
Statement: Amongst newspapers, I always read the National Times.Assumptions:The National Times gives very comprehensive news.Some people prefer other newspapers.A.	Only assumption I is implicitB.	Only assumption II is implicitC.	Either I or II is implicitD.	Neither I nor II is implicitE.	Both I and II are implicit
Statement: "Get rid of your past for future, get our new generation fridge at a discount in exchange of old"- An advertisement.Assumptions:The sales of the new fridge may increase in the coming months.People prefer to exchange future with past.A.	Only assumption I is implicitB.	Only assumption II is implicitC.	Either I or II is implicitD.	Neither I nor II is implicitE.	Both I and II are implicit
Statement: Let us increase the taxes to cover the deficit.Assumptions:The present taxes are very low.Deficit in a budget is not desirable.If the taxes are not increased, the deficit cannot be met.A.	Only I and II are implicitB.	Only II and III are implicitC.	Only I and III are implicitD.	All are implicitE.	None of these
Statement: "We must introduce objective type tests to improve our examinations for admission to MBA." - The Chairman of the Admission Committee tells the Committee.Assumptions:The admission at present is directly through the interview.The Admission Committee is desirous of improving the admission examinations.The Chairman himself is an MBA.A.	Only I and III are implicitB.	Only II is implicitC.	Only I and II are implicitD.	Only I is implicitE.	None is implicit
Statement: Use 'X' brand shoes. These are durable and available in all sizes. - An advertisement in the newspaper A.Assumptions:Normally people like durable shoes.Very few people read advertisement in a newspaper.Very few people read the newspaper A.A.	None is implicitB.	Only I and II are implicitC.	Only I, and either II or III are implicitD.	All are implicitE.	None of these
Statement: "You are hereby appointed as a programmer with a probation period of one year and your performance will be reviewed at the end of the period for confirmation." - A line in an appointment letter.Assumptions:The performance of an individual generally is not known at the time of appointment offer.Generally an individual tries to prove his worth in the probation period.A.	Only assumption I is implicitB.	Only assumption II is implicitC.	Either I or II is implicitD.	Neither I nor II is implicitE.	Both I and II are implicit
Statement: It is desirable to put the child in school at the age of 5 or so.Assumptions:At that age the child reaches appropriate level of development and is ready to learn.The schools do not admit children after six years of age.A.	Only assumption I is implicitB.	Only assumption II is implicitC.	Either I or II is implicitD.	Neither I nor II is implicitE.	Both I and II are implicit
Statement: "In order to bring punctuality in our office, we must provide conveyance allowance to our employees." - In charge of a company tells Personnel Manager.Assumptions:Conveyance allowance will not help in bringing punctuality.Discipline and reward should always go hand in hand.A.	Only assumption I is implicitB.	Only assumption II is implicitC.	Either I or II is implicitD.	Neither I nor II is implicitE.	Both I and II are implicit
Statement: Unemployment allowance should be given to all unemployed Indian youth above 18 years of age.Assumptions:There are unemployed youth in India who needs monetary support.The government has sufficient funds to provide allowance to all unemployed youth.A.	Only assumption I is implicitB.	Only assumption II is implicitC.	Either I or II is implicitD.	Neither I nor II is implicitE.	Both I and II are implicit
Statement: "If you trouble me, I will slap you." - A mother warns her child.Assumptions:With the warning, the child may stop troubling her.All children are basically naughty.A.	Only assumption I is implicitB.	Only assumption II is implicitC.	Either I or II is implicitD.	Neither I nor II is implicitE.	Both I and II are implicit
Statement: Many historians have done more harm than good by distorting truth.Assumptions:People believe what is reported by the historians.Historians are seldom expected to depict the truth.A.	Only assumption I is implicitB.	Only assumption II is implicitC.	Either I or II is implicitD.	Neither I nor II is implicitE.	Both I and II are implicit
Statement: "As there is a great demand, every person seeking tickets of the programme will be given only five tickets."Assumptions:The organizers are not keen on selling the tickets.No one is interested in getting more than five tickets.A.	Only assumption I is implicitB.	Only assumption II is implicitC.	Either I or II is implicitD.	Neither I nor II is implicitE.	Both I and II are implicit
Statement: "Computer education should start at schools itself."Assumptions:Learning computers is easy.Computer education fetches jobs easily.A.	Only assumption I is implicitB.	Only assumption II is implicitC.	Either I or II is implicitD.	Neither I nor II is implicitE.	Both I and II are implicit
Statement: If he is intelligent, he will pass the examination.Assumptions:To pass, he must be intelligent.He will pass the examination.A.	Only assumption I is implicitB.	Only assumption II is implicitC.	Either I or II is implicitD.	Neither I nor II is implicitE.	Both I and II are implicit
Statement: Today I must satisfy myself only by looking at a pink headed duck in an encyclopaedia.Assumptions:Pink headed ducks are as good as extinct now.People refer to encyclopaedia to know only about things which do not exist now.A.	Only assumption I is implicitB.	Only assumption II is implicitC.	Either I or II is implicitD.	Neither I nor II is implicitE.	Both I and II are implicit
Statement: "To keep myself up-to-date, I always listen to 9.00 p.m. news on radio."- A candidate tells the interview board.Assumptions:The candidate does not read newspaper.Recent news is broadcast only on radio.A.	Only assumption I is implicitB.	Only assumption II is implicitC.	Either I or II is implicitD.	Neither I nor II is implicitE.	Both I and II are implicit
Statement: The entire north India, including Delhi and the neighbouring states remained 'powerless' the whole day of 19th December as the northern grid supplying electricity to the seven states collapsed yet again.Assumptions:The northern grid had collapsed earlier.The grid system of providing electricity to a group of states is an ineffective type of power supply system.A.	Only assumption I is implicitB.	Only assumption II is implicitC.	Either I or II is implicitD.	Neither I nor II is implicitE.	Both I and II are implicit
Statement: Believe me, I have read it in newspaper X.Assumptions:Newspaper X gives reliable information/news.I am reporting exactly as it is given in newspaper X.A.	Only assumption I is implicitB.	Only assumption II is implicitC.	Either I or II is implicitD.	Neither I nor II is implicitE.	Both I and II are implicit
"Ensure a good Slight's sleeps for your family with safe and effective X mosquito coil." - An advertisement.


X mosquito coil is better than any other mosquito coil.

A good night's sleep is desirable.

A.	Only assumption I is implicit
B.	Only assumption II is implicit
C.	Either I or II is implicit
D.	Neither I nor II is implicit
E.	Both I and II are implicit
"In the recently imposed war, global public opinion was dishonored by the economically strong and scientifically advanced superpower."

Superpowers need not take any heed of global public opinion.

Global public opinion must have been against the imposition of war.

A.	Only assumption I is implicit
B.	Only assumption II is implicit
C.	Either I or II is implicit
D.	Neither I nor II is implicit
E.	Both I and II are implicit
How is it that the village is not shown in this so-called official map of this district?

The official district map is expected to show all the villages of that district.

This is not an authentic and official map.

A.	Only assumption I is implicit
B.	Only assumption II is implicit
C.	Either I or II is implicit
D.	Neither I nor II is implicit
E.	Both I and II are implicit
The cost of living has gone up in India.

The price of essential commodities has gone up in recent times.

Many luxury goods are available in plenty in the country.

A.	Only assumption I is implicit

B.	Only assumption II is implicit

C.	Either I or II is implicit

D.	Neither I nor II is implicit

E.	Both I and II are implicit
The State Government has unilaterally increased by five percent octroi on all commodities entering into the state without seeking approval of the Central Government.

The State Government may be able to implement its decision.

The Central Government may agree to support the State Government's decision.

The State Government may be able to earn considerable amount through the additional octroi.

A.	None is implicit
B.	Only I and II are implicit
C.	All are implicit
D.	Only II and III are implicit
E.	None of these
In the recently held All India Commerce Conference the session on 'Management of Service Sector in India' surprisingly attracted large number of participants and also received a very good media coverage in the leading newspapers.

People were not expecting such an encouraging response for service sector.

Service sector is not managed properly in India.

Media is always very positive towards service sector.

A.	None is implicit
B.	Only I is implicit
C.	All are implicit
D.	Only II and III are implicit
E.	Only either I or III is implicit
The professor announced in the class that the next periodical examination will be held on 15th of the next month.

All the students may appear in the examination.

The college will remain open on 15th of the next month.

The students can study till 15th of the next month to pass the examination.

A.	Only I and II are implicit
B.	Only II is implicit
C.	Only II and III are implicit
D.	Only III is implicit
E.	None of these
The situation of this area still continues to be tense and out of control. People are requested to be in their homes only.

There had been some serious incidents.
People will not go to the office.
Normalcy will be restored shortly.

A.	Only I is implicit
B.	Only I and II are implicit
C.	None is implicit
D.	Only I and III are implicit
E.	All are implicit
"Television X - the neighbour's envy, the owner's pride" - A T.V. advertisement.

Catchy slogans appeal to people.
People are envious of their neighbors superior possessions.
People want to be envied by their neighbors.

A.	Only I and II are implicit
B.	Only II and III are implicit
C.	Only I and III are implicit
D.	All are implicit
E.	None of these
Keeping in view the financial constraints, the management institution has decided to charge at the time of providing employment in various organizations, a placement fee of Rs. 25000 from the organizations in which the student will be provided the employment.

It will help in increasing the demand of the students belonging to the management institution. The amount collected in this way will be purposeful.

It may be possible that the organization providing employment may select less number of students in future.
A.	None is implicit
B.	Only I is implicit
C.	Only I and II are implicit
D.	Only II and III are implicit
E.	None of these
"Z-T.V, the only T.V. which gives the viewers a chance to watch two programmes simultaneously." - An advertisement.

Sale of Z-T.V will increase because of the advertisement.

Some people may be influenced by the advertisement and buy Z-T.V.

The sale of Z-T.V. may be on the downward trend.

A.	None is implicit
B.	All are implicit
C.	Only I and II are implicit
D.	Only II and III are implicit
E.	None of these