Logical Reasoning

Topic: Analogies

SPY : CLANDESTINEA.accountant : meticulous	B.	furrie: rambunctiousC.	lawyer : ironic	D.	shepherd : garrulousE.	astronaut : opulent

Answer: Option AExplanation:A spy acts in a clandestine manner; an accountant acts in a meticulous manner.

Browse random answers:

rule	command	dictatedoze	sleep	?A.	snore	B.	governC.	awaken	D.	hibernate
PASTORAL : RURALA.	metropolitan : urban	B.	harvest : autumnC.	agrarian : benevolent	D.	sleepy : nocturnalE.	wild : agricultural
Choose the pair that best represents a similar relationship to the one expressed in the original pair of words. 	MONK : DEVOTIONA.	maniac : pacifism	B.	explorer : contentmentC.	visionary : complacency	D.	rover : wanderlustE.	philistine : culture
SLAPSTICK : LAUGHTERA.	fallacy : dismay	B.	genre : mysteryC.	satire : anger	D.	mimicry : tearsE.	horror : fear
VERVE : ENTHUSIASMA.	loyalty : duplicity	B.	devotion : reverenceC.	intensity : color	D.	eminence : anonymityE.	generosity : elation
SPY : CLANDESTINEA.accountant : meticulous	B.	furrie: rambunctiousC.	lawyer : ironic	D.	shepherd : garrulousE.	astronaut : opulent
COBBLER : SHOEA.	jockey : horse	B.	contractor : buildingC.	mason : stone	D.	cowboy : bootE.	potter : paint
UMBRAGE : OFFENSEA.	confusion : penance	B.	infinity : meaningC.	decorum : decoration	D.	elation : jubilanceE.	outrage : consideration
DIRGE : FUNERALA.	chain : letter	B.	bell : churchC.	telephone : call	D.	jingle : commercialE.	hymn : concerto
	DOMINANCE : HEGEMONYA.	romance : sympathy	B.	furtherance : melancholyC.	independence : autonomy	D.	tolerance : philanthropyE.	recompense : hilarity
PHOBIC : FEARFULA.	finicky : thoughtful	B.	cautious : emotionalC.	envious : desiring	D.	shy : familiarE.	asinine : silly
FERAL : TAMEA.	rancid : rational	B.	repetitive : recurrentC.	nettlesome : annoying	D.repentant : honorableE.	ephemeral : immortal
METAPHOR : SYMBOLA.	pentameter : poem	B.	rhythm : melodyC.	nuance : song	D.	slang : usageE.	analogy : comparison
INTEREST : OBSESSIONA.	mood : feeling	B.	weeping : sadnessC.	dream : fantasy	D.	plan : negationE.	highlight : indication
 CONDUCTOR : ORCHESTRAA.	jockey : mount	B.	thrasher : hayC.	driver : tractor	D.	skipper : crewE.	painter : house
FROND : PALMA.	quill : porcupine	B.	blade : evergreenC.	scale : wallaby	D.	tusk : alligatorE.	blade : fern
SOUND : CACOPHONYA.	taste : style	B.	touch : massageC.	smell : stench	D.	sight : panoramaE.	speech : oration
DEPENDABLE : CAPRICIOUSA.	fallible : cantankerous	B.erasable : obtuseC.	malleable : limpid	D.capable : ineptE.	incorrigible : guilty
Odometer is to mileage as compass is to
A.	speed	
B.	hiking
C.	needle	
D.	direction
Marathon is to race as hibernation is to
A.	winter	
B.	bear
C.	dream	
D.	sleep
Window is to pane as book is to
A.	novel	
B.	glass
C.	cover	
D.	page
Cup is to coffee as bowl is to
A.	dish	
B.	soup
C.	spoon	
D.	food
Yard is to inch as quart is to
A.	gallon	
B.	ounce
C.	milk	
D.	liquid
candle	lamp	floodlighthut	cottage?
A.	tent	
B.	city
C.	dwelling	
D.	house
daisy	flower	plant bungalow	house?
A.	building	
B.	cottage
C.	apartment	
D.	city
palette	easel	brush textbook lesson plan?
A.	artist	
B.	teacher
C.	report card	
D.	paint
apples	fruit supermarket novel	book?
A.	bookstore	
B.	magazine
C.	vegetable	
D.	shopping
meal banquet feast shelter palace	?
A. mansion	
B. hallway
C. protection	
D. haven
fence	wall	boundary path	alley	?
A.	ramp	
B.	passageway
C.	airfield	
D.	pedestrian

A.	criminal : gang	
B.	display : museum
C.	artist : carpenter	
D.	nail : hammer
E.	frame : picture

A.	read : skim	
B.	research : learn
C.	write : print	
D.	think : relate
E.	sleep : wake

A.	type : breed	
B.	dog : puppy
C.	mark : spot	
D.	romaine : lettuce
E.	collar : leash

A.	frog :toad	
B.	elephant : reptile
C.	Dalmatian : dog	
D.	collie : marsupial
E.	ant : ladybug

A.	mantis : rodent	
B.	poodle : feline
C.	kangaroo : marsupial	
D.	zebra : horse
E.	tuna : mollusk

A. ophthalmologist : cataract	
B. dermatologist :fracture
C. infant : pediatrician	
D. rash : orthopedist
E. oncologist : measles