Topic: Sessions

How To Save Values to the Current Session?

When session is turned on, a session will be automatically created for you by the PHP engine. If you want to save any values to the session, you can use the pre-defined associative array called $_SESSION. The following PHP script shows you how to save values to the session:<?php  session_start();  print("<html><pre>");  $_SESSION["MyLogin"] = "FYICenter";  print("A value saved in the session named as MyLogin.\n");  $_SESSION["MyColor"] = "Blue";  print("A value saved in the session named as MyColor.\n");  print("Click <a href=next_page.php>Next Page</a>"    ." to retrieve the values.\n");  print("</pre></html>\n");?>If you save this script to your Web server as first_page.php and visit it with a browser, you will get:A value saved in the session named as MyLogin.A value saved in the session named as MyColor.Click Next Page to retrieve the values.

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