Topic: Arrays

How To Join a List of Keys with a List of Values into an Array?

If you have a list keys and a list of values stored separately in two arrays, you can join them into a single array using the array_combine() function. It will make the values of the first array to be the keys of the resulting array, and the values of the second array to be the values of the resulting array. Here is a PHP script on how to use array_combine():<?php$old = array();$old["Zero"] = "PHP";$old[1] = "Perl";$old["Two"] = "Java";$old["3"] = "C+";$old[""] = "Basic";$old[] = "Pascal";$old[] = "FORTRAN";$keys = array_keys($old);$values = array_values($old);print("Combined:\n");$new = array_combine($keys, $values);print_r($new);print("\n");print("Combined backward:\n");$new = array_combine($values, $keys);print_r($new);print("\n");?>This script will print:Combined:Array(    [Zero] => PHP    [1] => Perl    [Two] => Java    [3] => C+    [] => Basic    [4] => Pascal    [5] => FORTRAN)Combined backward:Array(    [PHP] => Zero    [Perl] => 1    [Java] => Two    [C+] => 3    [Basic] =>    [Pascal] => 4    [FORTRAN] => 5

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