Topic: PHP Forms

How To Support Hidden Form Fields?

Hidden fields are special fields in a form that are not shown on the Web page. But when the form is submitted, values specified in the hidden fields are also submitted to the Web server. A hidden field can be specified with the <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN ...> tag. The PHP script below shows you a good example:<?php  print("<html><form action=processing_forms.php method=post>");  print("<input type=hidden name=module value=FAQ>\n");  print("<table><tr><td colspan=2>Please enter and submit your"    ." comments about</td></tr>");  print("<tr><td>Your Name:</td>"    ."<td><input type=text name=name></td></tr>\n");  print("<tr><td>Comments:</td>"    ."<td><input type=text name=comment size=40>"    ."</td></tr>\n");  print("<tr><td colspan=2>"    .'<input type=submit name=submit value="Submit">'    ."<td></tr></table>\n");  print("</form></html>\n");?>If you submit this form, you will get something like this:Number of values: 4  module = FAQ  name = Peter  comment = Thanks for the good tips.  submit = Submit

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