Verbal Ability

Topic: Sentence correction

We can not always convey ourselves in simple sentences.
A.	cannot always convey	
B.	can not always express
C.	cannot always express	
D.	can not always communicate
E.	No correction required


Browse random answers:

The performance of our players was rather worst than I had expected.
A.	bad as I had expected	
B.	worse than I had expected
C.	worse than expectation	
D.	worst than was expected
E.	No correction required
Why did you not threw the bag away?
A.	did you not throw	
B.	had you not threw
C.	did you not thrown	
D.	you did not thrown
E.	No correction required
In addition to enhanced their reputations through strategic use of philanthropy, companies are sponsoring social initiatives to open new markets.
A.	of enhancing their reputation
B.	to having enhance their reputation
C.	to enhancing their reputation
D.	to have their reputation enhancing
E.	No correction required
The intruder stood quietly for few moments
A.	for few time	
B.	for the few moments
C.	for moments	
D.	for a few moments
E.	No correction required
He confidentially asked the crowd if they thought he was right and the crowd shouted that they did.
A.	that he did	
B.	that they had
C.	that he is	
D.	that he didn't
E.	No correction required
Why should the candidates be afraid of English Language is not clear.
A.	the candidates should be	
B.	do the candidates be
C.	should be the candidates	
D.	are the candidates
E.	No correction required
He found the gold coin as he cleans the floor.
A.	as he had cleaned	
B.	while he cleans
C.	which he is cleaning	
D.	while cleaning
E.	No correction required
Maria unnecessarily picked up a quarrel with Rani and left the party hurried.
A.	has picked up	
B.	picked on
C.	picked	
D.	picking up
E.	No correction required
She cooks, washes dishes, does her homework and then relaxing.
A.	relaxing then	
B.	then is relaxing
C.	relaxing is then	
D.	then relaxes
E.	No correction required
Acquisition of certain specific skills can be facilitated from general awareness, education to novel situations
A.	can be facilitated by	
B.	may facilitate through
C.	can be felicitated with	
D.	may be felicitated with
E.	No correction required
He never has and ever will take such strong measures.
A.	had taken nor will ever take	
B.	had taken and will ever take
C.	has and never will take	
D.	had and ever will take
E.	No correction required
Technology must use to feed the forces of change.
A.	must be used to feed	
B.	must have been using to feed
C.	must use having fed	
D.	must be using to feed
E.	No correction required
Anyone interested in the use of computers can learn much if you have access to a personal computer.
A.	they have access	
B.	access can be available
C.	he or she has access	
D.	one of them have access
E.	No correction required
We can not always convey ourselves in simple sentences.
A.	cannot always convey	
B.	can not always express
C.	cannot always express	
D.	can not always communicate
E.	No correction required
What does agonies me most is not this criticism, but the trivial reason behind it.
A.	most agonizing me	
B.	agonizes me most
C.	agonizing me most	
D.	I most agonized
E.	No correction required
As there was no time, the remaining items were deferred into the next meeting.
A.	are deferred till	
B.	were deferred till
C.	were deferred to	
D.	had deferred with
E.	No correction required
Despite of their differences on matters of principles, they all agree on the demand of hike is salary?
A.	Despite their	
B.	Despite of the
C.	Despite for their	
D.	Despite off their
E.	No correction required
For many centuries in Indian History there was no city so famous like the city of Ujjain.
A.	as	
B.	such as
C.	likewise	
D.	so like
E.	No correction required
We don't know how did the thief made an escape.
A.	how the thief did make	
B.	how the thief does make
C.	how the thief made	
D.	how was the thief made
E.	No correction required
He is a singer of repute, but his yesterday's performance was quite disappointing.
A.	performances of yesterday were
B.	yesterday performance was
C.	yesterday performance were
D.	performances about yesterday were
E.	No correction required
The small child does whatever his father was done.
A.	has done	
B.	did
C.	does	
D.	had done
E.	No correction required
You need not come unless you want to.
A.	You don't need to come unless you want to
B.	You come only when you want to
C.	You come unless you don't want to
D.	You needn't come until you don't want to
E.	No correction required
They were all shocked at his failure in the competition.
A.	were shocked at all	
B.	had all shocked at
C.	had all shocked by	
D.	had been all shocked on
E.	No correction required
I need not offer any explanation regarding this incident - my behavior is speaking itself.
A.	will speak to itself	
B.	speaks for itself
C.	has been speaking	
D.	speaks about itself
E.	No correction required
He is too important for tolerating any delay.
A.	to tolerate	
B.	to tolerating
C.	at tolerating	
D.	with tolerating
E.	No correction required