Verbal Ability

Topic: Idioms and Phrases

To be above board
A.	To have a good height
B.	To be honest in any business deal
C.	They have no debts
D.	To try to be beautiful
E.	None of these


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To make clean breast of
A.	To gain prominence
B.	To praise oneself
C.	To confess without of reserve
D.	To destroy before it blooms
E.	None of these
To keeps one's temper
A.	To become hungry	
B.	To be in good mood
C.	To preserve ones energy	
D.	To be aloof from
E.	None of these
To catch a tarter
A.	To trap wanted criminal with great difficulty
B.	To catch a dangerous perso
C.	To meet with disaster
D.	To deal with a person who is more than one's match
E.	None of these
To drive home
A.	To find one's roots	
B.	To return to place of rest
C.	Back to original position	
D.	To emphasise
E.	None of these
To have an axe to grind
A.	A private end to serve	
B.	To fail to arouse interest
C.	To have no result	
D.	To work for both sides
E.	None of these
To end in smoke
A.	To make completely understand
B.	To ruin oneself
C.	To excite great applause
D.	To overcome someone
E.	None of these
To be above board
A.	To have a good height
B.	To be honest in any business deal
C.	They have no debts
D.	To try to be beautiful
E.	None of these
To put one's hand to plough
A.	To take up agricultural farming
B.	To take a difficult task
C.	To get entangled into unnecessary things
D.	Take interest in technical work
E.	None of these
To pick holes
A.	To find some reason to quarrel
B.	To destroy something
C.	To criticise someone
D.	To cut some part of an item
E.	None of these
In the following questions four alternatives are given for the idiom/phrase in square brackets in the sentence. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of idiom/phrase. Sobhraj could be easily arrested because the police were [tipped off] in a advance.
A.	Toppled over	
B.	Bribed
C.	Given advance information	
D.	Threatened
I met him after a long time, but he gave me [the cold shoulder]r.
A.	scolded me	
B.	insulted me
C.	abused me	
D.	ignored me
He [passed himself off] as a noble man.
A.	Was regarded as	
B.	Pretended to be
C.	Was thought to be	
D.	Was looked upon
This matter has been [hanging fire] for the last many months and must therefore be decided one way or the other.
A.	going on slowly	
B.	hotly debated
C.	stuck up	
D.	ignored
In the armed forces, it is considered a great privilege to [die in harness].
A.	die on a horse back	
B.	die in the battlefield
C.	die while still working	
D.	die with honour
The cricket match proved to be a [big draw].
A.	a keen contest	
B.	a huge attraction
C.	a lovely spectacle	
D.	a game without any result
He was undecided. He let the [grass grow under his feet].
A.	loitered around	
B.	stayed out
C.	sat unmoving	
D.	moved away
Although he has failed in the written examination, he is using[ backstairs influence] to get the job.
A.	Political influence
B.	Backing influence
C.	Deserving and proper influence
D.	Secret and unfair influence
Companies producing goods [play to the gallery] to boost their sales.
A.	advertise
B.	cater to the public taste
C.	attempt to appeal to popular taste
D.	depend upon the public for approval
Since he knew what would happen, he should be left to [stew in his own juice].
A.	Make a stew	
B.	Boil
C.	Suffer in his own juice	
D.	Suffer for his own act
The project did not appear to [hold out] bright prospects.
A.	highlight	
B.	show
C.	offer	
D.	promise
I am afraid he is burning [the candle at both ends] and ruining his life.
A.	wasting his money	
B.	becoming overgenerous
C.	overtaxing his energies	
D.	losing his objectives
The university will have to [shelve] its plans for expansion in view of present situation
A.	cancel	
B.	discuss
C.	reconsider	
D.	postpone
Do no trust a man who[ blows his own trumpet]
A.	flatters	
B.	praises others
C.	admonishes others	
D.	praises himself
He is [out and out] a reactionary.
A.	no more	
B.	thoroughly
C.	in favour of	
D.	deadly against
I did not mind what he was saying, he was only [through his hat].
A.	talking nonsense	
B.	talking ignorantly
C.	talking irresponsibly	
D.	talking insultingly
The case was [held over] due to the great opposition to it.
A.	stopped	
B.	postponed
C.	dropped	
D.	cancelled
In the organized society of today no individual or nation can [plough a lonely furrow].
A.	remain unaffected	
B.	do without the help of others
C.	survive in isolation	
D.	remain non-aligned
It was he who [put a spoke in my wheel].
A.	tried to cause an accident
B.	helped in the execution of the plan
C.	thwarted in the execution of the plan
D.	destroyed the plan
It is no longer easy to [strike gold] in Shakespeare's research since much work has already been done on him.

A.	Hit a golden spot
B.	Come across gold
C.	Come across the word "gold"
D.	Uncover or find a valuable line of argument or information
Sanjay is [very different about passing] the Civil Services Examination this year.
A.	Dead sure of
B.	Very hopeful of
C.	Lacking self confidence about
D.	Reasonably certain of
Why must you look a [gift horse in the mouth] ?A.	welcome a gift	
B.	find fault with a gift
C.	be fastidious	
D.	examine a gift carefully
Dowry is a [burning question] of the day.
A.	a widely debated issue	
B.	a dying issue
C.	a relevant problem	
D.	an irrelevant issue
Leaders should not only make speeches they should also be prepared to to [bell the cat].
A.	To take lead in danger.	
B.	To tie bell to a cat's neck
C.	To be alert of the enemy	
D.	To make noise
The popularity of the yesterday's superstar is [on the wane].
A.	at its peak	
B.	at rock bottom
C.	growing more	
D.	growing less
He is an interesting speaker but tends to [go off at a tangent].
A.	change the subject immediately
B.	forget things in between
C.	go on at great length
D.	become boisterous
Despite the trust bestowed on the minister he turned out to be a[ snake in the grass] during the revolution.
A.	a secret enemy	
B.	a treacherous person
C.	an unforeseen danger	
D.	an unexpected misfortune
Women should be paid the same as men when they do the same job, for, surely [what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander].
A.	What is thought suitable pay for a man should also be for a woman
B.	Goose and the gender eat the same sauce
C.	Both goose and gander should be equally treated
D.	The principle of equal treatment should be implemented
The party stalwarts have advised the President to take it lying down for a while.
A.	to be cautious	
B.	to be on the defensive
C.	to take rest	
D.	to show no reaction
The thief took to his heels when he saw a policeman on the beat.
A.	had some pain in his heels	
B.	ran away from the scene
C.	confronted the policeman	
D.	could not decide what to do
He struck several bad patches before he made good.
A.	came across bad soil
B.	Had a bad time
C.	Went through many illness
D.	Had many professional difficulties