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“Enterprise resource planning (ERP) CRM frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience in ERP CRM. So get preparation for the Enterprise resource planning (ERP) CRM job interview”

25 ERP CRM Questions And Answers

23⟩ What is the importance of next Posting or Payment date in APP and how it will effect the business?

The next posting date is used in order to check the due

dates of the payables, if an open item is overdue on the

date of next posting run it will include in the next payment


The business effects are, if the overdue items is not paid

the company has to pay interest on the arrears and will not

be eligible to get the discounts on the early payment.


24⟩ What is the use of Sort code?

The system sorts the line items according to the content of

the sort key mentioned in the GL master.

For example: In a customer recon. account we enter ('031'

customer number) in Sort key field. So when you run line

item display FAGLL03 - system will display line items SORTED

by customer numbers.


25⟩ What is the use of Trading Partner in GL account?

It is used for consolidation. Each of your transaction that

you do with your partner/sister/holding company needs to

have a trading partner. Hence, if you have a specific G/L

account that you solely use when you transact with a

particular company within your group, this will default

your transactions to that company.