Body Builder

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“Body Builder related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with job experience as Body Builder. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”

80 Body Builder Questions And Answers

21⟩ Explain me isn’t the term “hard gainer” a cop-out for bodybuilders who don’t train hard enough?

No. The term hard gainer can be helpful to locate and diagnose training and nutrition problems, which is a first step toward finding the best approaches for making gains. The value in understanding whether you are a hard gainer or not is that you can find alternative approaches that work best for you.


26⟩ What is atrophy?

Withering away - decrease in size and functional ability of tissue or organs.


27⟩ Suppose I want to start bodybuilding. Guide me please on the kinds of workout, time period and the duration?

You should not start from a program for advanced bodybuilders. Begin from basic exercises such as squats, presses, chin-ups and curls. Use weights you can complete 12-15 reps with. Train not more than 3 times a week and your workout should not be longer than one hour. Eat 5-6 meals per day. Sleep at least 8 hours. Here is a simple split:

Monday: squats - 2 set of 15 reps; bench press - 2 x 12; chin-ups - 2 x max; barbell curls - 2 x 12; crunches - 3 x max.

Thursday: military press - 2 x 15; cable pressdowns - 2 x 15, barbell shrugs - 2 x 15; reverse crunches - 3 x max.


29⟩ What is amino acids?

A group of compounds that serve as the building blocks from which protein and muscle are made.


30⟩ Tell me do you basically live in the gym?

Certainly I have ramped it up now getting ready for my contest in United States in two and three weeks' time — it is a six-day-a-week thing, but in the offseason it might be three or four sessions.


32⟩ What are anabolic Drugs?

Also called anabolic steroids, these are artificial male hormones that aid in nitrogen retention and thereby add to a male bodybuilder's muscle mass and strength. These drugs are not without hazardous side effects, however, and they are legally available only through a physician's prescription. Steroids are available in most gyms via the black market, but it is very danger-ous to use such unknown substances to increase muscle mass.


33⟩ What is chinning Bar?

A bar attached high on the wall or gym ceiling, on which you can do chins, hanging leg raises, and other movements for your upper body. A chinning bar is analogous to the high bar male gymnasts use in national and international competitions.


34⟩ What is basic Exercise?

A bodybuilding exercise which stresses the largest muscle groups of your body (e.g., the thighs, back, and/or chest), often in combination with smaller muscles. You will be able to use very heavy weights in basic exer-cises in order to build great muscle mass and physical power. Typical basic movements include squats, bench presses, and deadlifts.


36⟩ Tell us what is the difference between Testosterone and Nortestosterone?

Testosterone is the most important hormone in the male body. It plays a key role in determining energy, mood, libido, muscular development. Testosterone is converted into the end hormones estrogen and DHT as part of the natural metabolic process. The production of these two hormone by-products can sometimes cause side effects (such as hair loss or prostate enlargement).

While the range of Nortestosterone’s benefits are somewhat more limited than those of Testosterone, this hormone does not convert to DHT or estrogen and is therefore a better option for androgen-sensitive men. Nortestosterone is also a better choice for men who specifically seek the anabolic effects of Testosterone such as increased muscle size, strength, and more rapid recovery from training and injury.


38⟩ Tell me how many sets should drug-free bodybuilders do?

It varies with the person and objective. A general range might be from one to ten sets per muscle group, with four to six sets being a good middle range. One set would usually involve the so-called high-intensity method, while the ten set workout would obviously be a volume workout-perhaps specialization on a lagging muscle group, only to be done for a short period of time-and most likely with lighter or moderate poundages.


39⟩ What is adhesion?

Fibrous patch holding muscles or other parts together that are normally separated.


40⟩ What is abyss?

A barrier which stands between knowing what needs to be done and actually doing it