Cashier Assistant

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“Cashier Assistant related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with job experience as Cashier Assistant. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”

61 Cashier Assistant Questions And Answers

3⟩ Tell me you may have multiple deadlines to complete your tasks. When have you been in such an environment and how did you handle it?

Yes. Until I learn the art of planning and prioritizing I used to run like a headless chicken try o finish 20 things at once. I remember one of the big client in my previous firm requested a set of management accounts early before they are due for bank loan approval and I had 35 vat clients that needed to be done and checked. I firstly allocated hours to do management account and ask a collegue to review it as it short notices and continue do my vat.


4⟩ Explain me what does customer service mean to you?

You and your coworkers represent the company you work for everyday to the people who come in. You’ve probably experienced various levels of customer service yourself. Pull from these experiences to describe exactly how you’d want to be treated by a cashier. This is the most important of the four cashier interview questions and answers. A good answer to this might be that customer service means keeping a smile, greeting everyone kindly, and providing assistance whenever necessary.


5⟩ Tell me what’s the difference between a yield and return rate on a bond?

This question asks for the definition of the terms in relation to each other. A yield on a bond is all about the future; it measures the income earnings of an investment, but it ignores capital gains. The return rate is more about total past earnings and refers to what the investor has already earned over a certain period of time.


6⟩ Walk me through your resume?

Questions about ‘your story’ are most likely to occur at the start of the interview. Your first few answers are the most important of all. According to The Australian Business Insider, ‘bankers often judge you 90% on what you say in the first few minutes.’

When it comes to talking about your resume, it’s important to highlight your greatest achievements, qualities and positions that are most relevant to the job at hand. Despite the fact that the interviewer has already read your resume, this gives you a chance to extend on and highlight your most relevant skills and experience.


8⟩ Tell us how comfortable are you with checking IDs for alcohol and tobacco?

Federal Law is not only very strict when it comes to alcohol and tobacco sales, it is also very strict when it comes to identifying or carding those who purchase those items. It is a serious duty that should be seriously considered. It is good to remember, however, that if you are not comfortable checking IDs for alcohol and tobacco then you shouldn’t say you are. Alcohol and tobacco are commonly purchased items, so you are sure to see them come down your conveyor belt or across your counter.


9⟩ What is a fixed interest investment?

Fixed interest investments are long-term debt securities that promise a return of all investments at their maturity date, alongside regular coupon payments.

To really show your knowledge here, you could highlight the difference between the risk of fixed interest investments and equities.


10⟩ What is your biggest weakness as Cashier Assistant?

This question can arise in every job interview; so how exactly do you talk about your weaknesses whilst ensuring the interviewer knows you are perfect for the job? They key is to talk about a weakness and then talk about how you use your own initiative to solve it.

A great example of this would be: “My biggest weakness is public speaking as I am naturally introverted. However I am currently taking a class where I speak in front of a group weekly. This ensures that my public speaking skills will improve.”

Although this will inform the employer of your weaknesses, it will also show them that you are willing and motivated to improve yourself; two key characteristics that they will be looking for in their ideal candidate.

Despite some weaknesses being more of a problem than others, it's important to be honest and not invent a weakness that you think the interviewer will take lightly.


11⟩ Tell me what is the AUD/USD exchange rate? What do you think it will be in a year and why?

Once again, the interviewer is testing your knowledge of the current market. It is critical that you enter the interview knowing the current exchange rate of the world’s major currencies, including the American dollar, the Euro, the Japanese Yen and the Chinese Renminbi.

The second part of this question is a bit tougher, as it requires you to have extensive knowledge about the history of exchange rates and where you think they are headed. Do your research and form a valid argument based on facts that consider the current exchange rates, historical events and government changes that have led to significant decreases and increases.


14⟩ Tell me an example of a time when you’ve worked successfully in a team?

Much like the previous question, the employer is asking you to recall a specific example to highlight how well you work in a team. It’s important to use an example that is relevant or transferable to a banking environment.

Alongside this, impress the interviewer by highlighting how your teamwork example demonstrates your other key skills. For example, you could talk about empathising with team members or supporting those more reserved team members by asking them to express their ideas.


16⟩ Do you know what is the current price of gold?

Questions such as this, are the employer’s way of ensuring that you know the latest price of various commodities. Research the most recent prices just before your interview to show your potential employer that you keep up to date with commodity pricing.


17⟩ Tell me how to use a discounted cash flow model?

Learn the equations that underpin DCF analysis. Alongside this, it is important to highlight why you would use a discounted cash flow model. State the DCFs importance to value a company’s future cash flows taking into account the time value of money.


19⟩ Explain me what is one concern you have about working in banking?

Much like the age-old ‘biggest weakness’ question, this one should be answered with caution. Try and take a concern you have about working in investment banking and following it up with a positive.

An example of this would be: “My biggest concern is about the work-life balance, as I like to spend as much time with my family as possible. This is why working for your company, who are based in Sydney, would be perfect for me”.