21⟩ The first American President who visited India?
“Government UPSC Political Science frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience in Government UPSC Political Science. So get preparation for the Government UPSC Political Science job interview”
krambudh gyan anything
The President
the work expiriance to have an knowlege of particular work
by teire daily working and for example
A.... working with the telicom company with the engeeniar
job effectivly the A... have an work ex[iriane of the
engeenir's work
The opinion which emerges after analysis of different
opinions and is accepted by a bulk of people.
Freedom of speech and expression, which enable an
individual to participate in public activities. The
phrase, "freedom of press" has not been used in Article 19,
but freedom of expression includes freedom of press.
Reasonable restrictions can be imposed in the interest of
public order, security of State, decency or morality.
To make the people aware about their leaders
It is a part of fundamental Right. i.e. Right to Freedon &
Expression in Atr 19 of consttution of India