Senior Graphics Designer

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“Senior Graphics Designer related Frequently Asked Questions in various Senior Graphics Designer job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”

59 Senior Graphics Designer Questions And Answers

6⟩ Explain In five short statements, tell me why I should hire you?

☛ I take great pride in my work

☛ I am a talented and creative graphic artist

☛ I have the skills, abilities and qualifications to succeed in this job

☛ I am a dependable, energetic, and devoted employee

☛ I really want this job and an excited to start working for you!


8⟩ Tell us why do you want to work for our company?

☛ Base your answer on the research you did. What interested you in the company?

☛ What do you like about the company?

☛ State that the company's open position matches your career goals and aspirations.

☛ Reiterate your interest in working for them in this job.


10⟩ Pleasee provide us an example of when you have been criticized or reprimanded, and tell us how you handled it?

I was told I was not following directions on a certain project. I explained to my boss how I was trained to do the task and I asked if my was correct. As it turns out, I was trained incorrectly by a previous employee and that is why I was doing things incorrectly. I asked my boss to show me the correct procedure and continued to use that method going forward.


11⟩ Tell us are you proficient with relevant computer tools?

The final product is usually done and saved digitally. Graphic designers know the various programs used to generate new images for the financial frontier. Moreover, the entire process of graphic design requires proficiency with computer software. This includes graphs, layouts, designs, print charts, and illustrations.


14⟩ Tell me have you done freelance work before?

I was hired to create a logo and for a bow-turning company. After I completed it I was asked to create a website for them in the future. Months had passed without any word, so I created some sample pages to show the client. They were happy with the result and decided to move forward.


16⟩ Suppose If you are hired, how long will you stay with us?

☛ I have been waiting for a position like this ever since I started school, I plan to work here as long as I can.

☛ I am looking for a long-term position with your company

☛ As long as I can continue to contribute to the growth of your company

☛ As long as it is a mutually satisfying relationship


17⟩ Tell us about yourself... Provide information about you that shows you are qualified for the job?

☛ I have just graduated from the two-year Graphic Design program at Western. I am a talented designer and illustrator who is proficient with the Mac and with industry standard software programs such as Photoshop, Illustrator, and GoLive. I am excited to start my career and look forward to the opportunity this position offers.

☛ Education (AAS Degree): Industry-quality projects

☛ Software knowledge

☛ Photoshop, Illustrator, QuarkXPress, InDesign, GoLive… and how to use them together

☛ Industry related work experience:

☛ Do you work in the field now? Tell them about it. Freelance work?

☛ Skills from previous jobs, (soft skills, critical thinking skills) Communication skills, customer service skills, problem solving skills, ability to meet deadlines, ability to manage a project from start to finish with little or no supervision, forward-thinking, courteous, honest, hard-working, dependable, creative, resourceful, able to think critically in stressful situations, able to multitask when needed, efficient, reliable, trustworthy, punctual, professional, excellent managerial skills, ability to work with several different personalities at the same time.

☛ Use this information, in a summary, at the end of the interview too.


20⟩ Tell us what makes you angry?

☛ Lies, and dishonesty

☛ When I am not included in the completion of a project I have spent time on.

☛ People who do not care about the quality of their work

☛ Laziness that contributes to the downfall of the company