Senior Graphics Designer

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“Senior Graphics Designer related Frequently Asked Questions in various Senior Graphics Designer job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”

59 Senior Graphics Designer Questions And Answers

21⟩ Why Did You Apply For This Job as Senior Graphics Designer?

While the first question assessed your motivation for the industry in general, this question is designed to test your motivations and reasons for applying for this particular role. The employer wants to see how much you know about the role and company on offer and they're really asking why you think you're a good fit for this particular graphic design job. When answering this question - again, it's good to be honest - but you need to avoid citing purely selfish reasons eg. amazing salary or 40 days holiday a year. Instead of citing the aforementioned reasons, a better answer might be to say you're looking for a new challenge and you'd love the chance to work for an established brand that has a great reputation within the industry. You could also mention how your skills and experience align perfectly with the role on offer - and how your values also match those of the brands.


22⟩ Tell us are you an honest person? If yes, provide a past example that demonstrates you are an honest person?

I am an honest person. The best example I can provide is that I live an honest life each day. I am a person who does not cut corners in order to profit in the short-term from inferior quality or a poorly completed job. I consider myself a person of integrity who completes each job to the best of my ability.


24⟩ As you know that people don't always get along with each other, tell me, what types of people do you have the most difficulty dealing with?

☛ As stated before, I am frustrated with people who do not care about the quality of their work

☛ Other than dishonest people, I have found that I get along well with all types of people.

☛ I feel that a variety of people and a variety of opinions always helps to solve problems and to come up with ideas.


28⟩ Portfolio Based Graphics Designer Interview Questions

☛ What was your role on this project?

☛ How much time did you have to create this piece?

☛ How did you work with other members of your team?

☛ Tell us about a favorite piece of work in your portfolio.

☛ Where did you start on this project? What images, copy, or guidelines were you given to begin?

☛ Talk about one of your more successful design projects. What kind of results did it achieve, and how do you define a success?


29⟩ Sample Senior Graphics Designer Job Interview Questions

☛ Describe your creative process.

☛ What industry sites and blogs do you read regularly?

☛ How comfortable are you with writing HTML entirely by hand?

☛ What applications do you use daily?

☛ What are a few of your favorite development tools and why?

☛ What are a few sites you admire and why?

☛ Tell me about your favorite project.

☛ What are a few personal web projects you've got going on?

☛ Who are some of your design heroes?

☛ Give me an example of a project where you disagreed with the client's direction and tell me how you handled it.

☛ Give an example of a situation where someone challenged your design. How did you handle it?

☛ Tell me about a time when you have disagreed with a design decision, what did you do?

☛ What are some questions you ask when starting a new project?

☛ How would you handle a project that looks like it will go over budget?

☛ Tell me about some experiences you've had working with developers in the past.

☛ How do you stay on top of current design trends?

☛ How do you ensure that the development team understands the design (and delivers your vision)?

☛ Note to the interviewer: Watch out for 'throw-it-over-the-wall' attitude

☛ Did you ever have a situation when something you designed was not delivered as intended? Do you know why it happened? How did you react? What did you learn? What do you do to avoid such situations?

☛ Have you had a chance to look through the site? How would you describe our brand?

☛ We're interested in helping people grow in their careers. Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years?

☛ What things do you NOT like to do?

☛ If you had a magic wand and could create the perfect job, what would it be?

☛ What makes a great work environment for you?

☛ Why are you looking to move on from your current role?

☛ What do you expect from a supervisor?

☛ What problems have you encountered at work?

☛ Why do you want to work at our company?

☛ Do you have any questions about the position or about our company that I can answer?


30⟩ Role Specific Graphics Designer Interview Questions

☛ As a graphic designer, whose work do you admire? Who are your design heroes?

☛ How do you stay updated on the latest tools and trends?

☛ Who would be your ideal brand or client to work on, and why?

☛ Describe the structure of your current/previous team. Who did you work with on a regular basis? What did they do?

☛ How do you prepare to present your work to clients or stakeholders?

☛ What do you do when clients or stakeholders give you negative feedback?

☛ How do you start a project? How do you know when it is finished?

☛ What do you do when you hit a creative block? Talk about a design challenge you encountered and how you overcame. it.

☛ What type of design work do you enjoy the most; print or digital? How do you find transitioning between the two?

☛ How do you prepare your work for production? (e.g. Prep work for print or for front end development)

☛ What do you do when you're running out of time on a project?


32⟩ Agency designer Senior Graphics Designer Interview Questions

☛ How would you rate yourself on producing appropriate work for a broad range of clients?

☛ This is a fast-paced environment. How comfortable are you with short deadlines and new trends?

☛ Describe your experience with presenting your work to clients.

☛ Have you ever represented your agency at a client meeting? How did you handle it?


33⟩ In-house designer Senior Graphics Designer Interview Questions

☛ How has the brand you most recently worked with evolved over time? What part did you play in that?

☛ How do you sustain long-term interest in designing for one brand?

☛ How do you adapt a brand for different audiences?

☛ How much experience do you have with presenting work to key stakeholders?

☛ How would you learn about our brand during your first week at work?


34⟩ Suppose If we hired you, what type of training would you ask us for to keep you up-to-date in your field?

☛ I would like to keep up-to-date on all the equipment and software that I would use as a graphic designer at your company

☛ I would also like to consider additional training in marketing and possibly product development.

☛ I would like to learn more about our manufacturing plant and what happens to my artwork once it leaves the graphics department


35⟩ Tell me What is The One Piece In Your Portfolio That You're Most Proud Of?

Now, at first, you might think that this question is the same as the "most successful" one - but it's actually a bit different. Why? Because with this question, the employer is asking for your opinion as an individual - they're asking for you to judge a piece of work based on your own feelings, rather than things like stats and success rates. Why? Because this gives them an insight into who you are as an individual and helps them to assess how well you'd fit in with their current workforce.


37⟩ Explain why communication and interpersonal skills are important in your job?

Graphic designers are not independent artists. They are highly skilled team workers. Their core creative activity is in translating their client's financial goals and market demands into visuals. This requires the ability to listen, ask key questions, and collaborate with whoever is necessary to get the feel of what is needed.


38⟩ What motivates you on the job as Senior Graphics Designer?

☛ I am motivated most by seeing a project completed and taking pride in having been a part of the

☛ team that made it happen.

☛ I am motivated by seeing my hard work help the company succeed, grow, and continue to attract

☛ new customers

☛ I am motivated when I receive continuous feedback from my boss

☛ I am motivated when I feel that my opinion matters

☛ I am motivated when I feel I am rewarded for my talents and contributions


40⟩ Tell us What Has Been Your Most Successful Campaign & Why?

An employer might ask this question because, although you might have mentioned it on your CV or included it in your portfolio, they want to hear about your most successful campaign in your own words. With this question, the employer wants to hear about your passion for that particular campaign and why you personally think it was such a success. They're also looking to see how you judge the success of a campaign and how and what you did to make it successful. Obviously with this question, your answer will depend on your previous experience - but whichever campaign you choose, try and have some stats to hand and be careful not to take responsibility for other people's work.