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“Audiology based Frequently Asked Questions in various Audiology job interviews by interviewer. These professional questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answers posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”

81 Audiology Questions And Answers

68⟩ How much money do Audiologists make?

The salary for audiologists varies by practice type, as well as geographic location. The average salary is around $73,000 per year, and private practice owners generally make more than non-owner audiologists. Audiologists can make over $100,000 depending on their experience and compensation package.


70⟩ What are the types of tinnitus?

Tinnitus are classified in two:

☛ Pulsatile: It is caused due to muscle movement near the ear, blood flow problem in neck or face, changes in the ear canal.

☛ Non-pulsatile: It is caused due to the nerves involved with hearing, you may hear the sound in both ears.


71⟩ When did you decide you wanted to be an audiologist?

I decided I wanted to be an audiologist very early on. Both my grandmother and mother have hearing loss and I made a promise to them to be able to help them with their communication and I know that becoming an audiologist will be one of the proudest moments in my life and I am hopeful that seal beach will be part of that.


74⟩ Explain how did you get started?

I wanted to be in a profession where I could help people, and my undergraduate degree is in communicative disorders (speech pathology). I really enjoyed my audiology classes (audiology and speech pathology are related fields and we cross-train to some extent), so I changed to audiology for my graduate degree.


76⟩ Tell me what do you dislike in Audiology?

I don't like dealing with insurance companies. It's difficult to get clear answers regarding how much they will cover for a specific patient or procedure, and they often take quite a while to pay us.


77⟩ Can you explain what does your work entail?

First I consult with my patient about their lifestyle and what specific situations they're having difficulty communicating in. Next I examine their ears and ear canals to rule out any medical conditions, and then I perform a comprehensive audiological evaluation to map their hearing and measure their ability to understand speech under various listening conditions. Finally, I review the test results with the patient and settle upon a treatment option.


78⟩ Explain what education, schooling, or skills are needed to do this?

Audiology requires a bachelors degree and four-year doctoral program. One important necessary skill is communicating well with others, since it's a people-centered profession. You do need lots of patience as well since you often have to reinstruct patients several times on the same issue (how to put in batteries, etc.).


80⟩ What is conductive hearing losses? What causes such hearing impairment?

Hearing loss that is caused by a problem in the middle or external ear are called conductive hearing losses. Such difficulty in hearing occurs when problem lies in the conduction of sound to the cochlea.

The cause of such impairment is

☛ Excessive wax in the ear canal

☛ Fluid accumulated in the ear due to infection

☛ Discontinuity between the ossicles