1⟩ What is child Psychologist?
A trained professional who provides treatment to children with mental health issues.
“Health Therapist related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with job experience as Health Therapist. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”
A trained professional who provides treatment to children with mental health issues.
Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) comprises empirically-validated processes that facilitate the conscientious, explicit and judicious integration of individual clinical expertise with the best available external clinical evidence from systematic research in making decisions about the care of individual patients.
Teenagers with OCD have obsessions and/or compulsions. An obsession refers to recurrent and persistent thoughts, impulses, or images that are intrusive and cause severe anxiety or distress. Compulsions refer to repetitive behaviors and rituals (like hand washing, hoarding, ordering, checking) or mental acts (like counting, repeating words silently, avoiding).
Teenage sexual abuse occurs when an adolescent is used for gratification of an adult’s sexual needs or desires. Severity of sexual abuse can range from fondling to forcible rape.
Aversion therapy is often used to treat problems such as substance abuse and alcoholism. It works by teaching people to associate a stimulus that’s desirable but unhealthy with an extremely unpleasant stimulus. The unpleasant stimulus may be something that causes discomfort. For example, a therapist may teach you to associate alcohol with an unpleasant memory.
Give the interviewer a step-by-step approach to how you would help your client. Give an example to make it more concrete. You could start by talking about one or two issues your hypothetical client might be dealing with. Paint a picture using examples and talk about results. Tell the interviewer how you were effective in helping your client set and attain their goals.
PTSD can occur when a teenager experiences a shocking, unexpected event that is outside the range of usual human experience. The trauma is usually so extreme that it can overwhelm their coping mechanisms and create intense feelings of fear and helplessness.
Progress doesn't look the same for every client. It's your job to help them move forward in their lives by looking at the past, patterns, and ways of thinking that are keeping them from living a full life. They may never reach their full potential through the time you are counseling them, but you have the opportunity to show them what they are capable of.
Sir/Madam, I have heard a lot about your institute. You are serving the patients since long and are a renowned name in the field of occupational therapy. I would feel the prestige to be a part of such a college/school/hospital where I could get more chances to help disable people and of course, for a bright future.
I have numerous remarkable achievement in my career till date. The most notable for me was a case in which the patient was severely injured. There were mere chances of his survival and unfortunately, some members of the staff were absent that day. I was posted as an occupational therapist in the hospital. Luckily, I didn’t have any patient for the treatment that time. When I get to know about the situation, I asked the case administrator to allow me to assist him. He agreed, and I handled all the tasks with confidence that he asked me to do. Fortunately, all our efforts became fruitful, and we were able to save his life. Later, I helped the same person to lead a normal life using occupational therapy.
Disorder of thinking, feeling, and behaving.
A repetitive and persistent pattern of behavior among teenagers in which they violate the rights of others, or violate norms or rules that are appropriate to their age.
Cognitive behavioral play therapy is commonly used with children. By watching children play, therapists are able to gain insight into what a child is uncomfortable expressing or unable to express. Children may be able to choose their own toys and play freely. They might be asked to draw a picture or use toys to create scenes in a sandbox. Therapists may teach parents how to use play to improve communication with their children.
Unhealthy pattern of eating characterized by preoccupation with food and distorted body image.
The fearful anticipation of further danger or problems accompanied by an intense unpleasant feeling (dysphoria) or physical symptoms. Anxiety is not uncommon in children and adolescents.
I have already worked in an institute and in my 2 years of experience I met different kinds of people so, I am quite familiar with such situations and know how to handle them. While dealing with an under-performing subordinate, first of all, I will try to find out some quick solution to the problems occurring due to that and then, try to find out the reasons for which he/she was not able to perform well.
The positive thing what I think about occupational therapy and being an occupational therapist is that it provides me a platform to take care of emotionally, physically or mentally disabled patients. Along with that, this profession has many work settings and one can choose that suits him/her the most. Though according to me, there is nothing negative about this job, occupational therapists and related professionals may need to work long hours, during night shifts and even on weekends, thus, it can be very stressful.
Share your knowledge! Tell the interviewer what you learned from your education that supports medication for specific disorders and illnesses. While you cannot diagnose mental illnesses or prescribe medication, you can encourage your clients to take their medication as recommended by their doctor. You may have worked with clients who did not take their medication or stopped taking it during therapy.
Use and abuse of drugs and alcohol.
This question is quite tricky to answer as you have not necessarily confronted such a situation with management officials. But, even if you have never been through all this, saying ‘no’ to this question is not a correct choice. Instead, you must think about what you would do if you confront such circumstances. This will let them know your ability to handle such cases. Always give a positive reply to such questions. Don’t bad mouth about the officials as it may put a negative impact on the interviewer.