Health Therapist

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“Health Therapist related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with job experience as Health Therapist. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”

50 Health Therapist Questions And Answers

21⟩ What is clinical Social Worker?

Provides mental health services for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders in individuals, families, and groups.


23⟩ Tell us what brings you the most satisfaction as a Mental Health Counselor?

Your motivation for entering the mental health field may be similar to what gives you the most satisfaction in your job. Helping others get on the right path of self-care is extremely rewarding. Offer up an example of a time when you felt most pleased with your work. Think of your client interactions that have proven you made a direct impact on their life. How have your clients changed since you started working with them? What practices and techniques have contributed to your ability to help others in your job?


24⟩ Why are you leaving your current job as Health Therapist?

Criticizing about your previous job doesn’t make sense here, this is the time to be optimistic. Don’t give any negative feedback, mention only the positive aspects. Also, avoid bad-mouthing about your boss, coworkers, and other team members. Instead, concentrate on the moment and future opportunities.


25⟩ Tell us what motivates you to work as an Occupational Therapist?

Disabilities and injuries of patients motivate me to do my best in order to relieve them from pain. In my last job, I was in-charge of an emotionally broken patient. He has no hopes of getting normal. His disability prompted me a lot, and I encouraged him a lot to regain his normal life again. In the end, he began leading a peaceful and comfortable life, and I achieved my target.


26⟩ What are your salary requirements as Health Therapist?

To answer this question, you can refer to the various authorized sites where you can find how much is the salary of an occupational therapist and related job titles for the position you are applying for. Do proper research and always answer in a range, don’t say exact figures. With this, your interviewer comes to know that you are aware of everything regarding this job.


27⟩ Please explain something about our hospital/ school/ clinic?

Do proper research to answer this question. You should know about all the current achievements of the company, names of executives or managers sitting at higher posts in the Institute, places where the school/hospital is having its branches, services provided, etc.


30⟩ Can you tell me what do you like to do in your free time?

It again seems a funny and easy-going kind of question, but actually it is quite tricky. This question is to know about what kind of person you are besides being a professional. Your answer should neither be too honest (especially if you pass most of your idle time on social networking) nor be very fake.


31⟩ Where do you see yourself in 5 years as Health Therapist?

In the coming 5 years, I want to gain deep knowledge of occupational therapy. For this, I want to earn a doctoral degree in occupational therapy while serving patients. I believe, it will enhance my capabilities and skills to aid people with advanced techniques and methodologies.


34⟩ What are developmental Disabilities?

A disability of a person which is attributable to a condition closely related to mental retardation which results in impairment of intellectual functioning or adaptive behavior.


36⟩ Do you know what is system desensitization?

System desensitization relies heavily on classical conditioning. It’s often used to treat phobias. People are taught to replace a fear response to a phobia with relaxation responses. A person is first taught relaxation and breathing techniques. Once mastered, the therapist will slowly expose them to their fear in heightened doses while they practice these techniques.


37⟩ Tell us why do you want to work in the health-care sector?

I can’t see anyone going through a trauma and when in pain. I always try my best to serve them. This inspires me to get into this profession. Also, effective therapies and techniques of occupational therapy will guide me to help people more efficiently.


38⟩ What is autism?

A neuro-developmental condition which is usually diagnosed in the first 3 years of life. Generally parents become concerned when their child has delays in speech development, limited social relatedness, and restricted interests and activities.


39⟩ Tell me why should I hire you?

As I have 2 years of experience in occupational therapy and capable of handling all the issues. Also, I am ready to undertake all the responsibilities related to this job, so you can hire me. I assure you to give my best in improving the health of the patients.