Hospital Cleaner

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“Hospital Cleaner Frequently Asked Questions in various Hospital Cleaner job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job interview”

50 Hospital Cleaner Questions And Answers

24⟩ Basic Hospital Cleaner Job Interview Questions

☛ What cleaning products do you normally use?

☛ How do you clean computer screens?

☛ How much time do you need to clean a working space of 10 offices?

☛ Have you ever used green cleaning products? If yes, how would you rate them compared to products you’ve traditionally used?

☛ What are the most important duties when cleaning a bathroom?

☛ Is there any specific task that you don’t perform? (e.g. due to an allergy)

☛ How do you deal with emergencies? Can you mention a few examples from your past experience?

☛ Do you have experience with outdoor cleaning?

☛ How flexible are your working hours? Would you be available for early morning or late night shifts?

☛ How do you treat different materials like wood, marble or granite?

☛ Are you familiar with cleaning machinery? What devices have you previously used?

☛ If you found a personal item and you didn’t know who it belonged to, what would you do?

☛ What do you do when you have to move heavy furniture to vacuum?

☛ Are you familiar with health and safety precautions?


25⟩ Operational Hospital Cleaner Job Interview Questions

☛ Tell me about yourself.

☛ What are your strengths?

☛ What are your weaknesses?

☛ Why do you want this job?

☛ Where would you like to be in your career five years from now?

☛ What’s your ideal company?

☛ What attracted you to this company?

☛ Why should we hire you?

☛ What did you like least about your last job?

☛ When were you most satisfied in your job?

☛ What can you do for us that other candidates can’t?

☛ What were the responsibilities of your last position?


26⟩ Fresh Hospital Cleaner Job Interview Questions

☛ What’s the most frustrating task you have faced in your previous positions?

☛ Describe a situation where you went the extra mile and performed a task out of the ordinary.

☛ Do you prefer working in a team or independently?

☛ Have you ever seen a co-worker stealing? What did you do?


27⟩ Tell me how Would You Calm Down A Particularly Irate Customer?

I do not believe in arguing - so I will listen to what he or she has to say first without interrupting. When I know for sure what is bothering him or her, I will try to look for a solution that satisfies the customer and is also within the policies and procedures of my place of work.


28⟩ Tell us do you possess the patience to deal with the public at times of cleaning?

With respect to the janitor or custodial position that is offered to you, you may have to clean places amidst the public during the business operation times. Your answer should be that you are comfortable working in such environment where customers are around. You can say that you started your career by working in customer service and hence you’re used to working in places where public and customers are around.

You would find it to be interesting as you get a chance to interact with other people. You can also mention that you always concentrate on the job and the task you handle; you would not be interrupted by people around.


30⟩ Explain me an instance when your work as a housekeeper was challenged?

I was once working for a hospital where there was a patient whose family notorious for being dissatisfied at everything. The patient happened to be admitted in one of the rooms that I was servicing. And nothing was good enough for the family. The sheets were never clean enough, there was never enough soap and the bed was never made “to our liking”. It was extremely tiring. But thankfully, when the patient was discharged, the family didn’t leave a single complaint!


31⟩ Please explain why do you think you are suitable and better candidate for this position?

When such a question is asked you just need to highlight your specific skills. You can say that you have an in-depth knowledge of chemicals and cleaning procedures. You can mention that you have experience in this job role and hence you can follow cleaning practices by following few safe procedures. You can mention that you also possess the capability to work under restricted supervision.


32⟩ Tell me what are the job tasks for a janitor?

The key intention for a janitor position is to sustain a germ-free environment which is always neat and tidy. The main janitorial duties include dusting furniture and equipment’s, office cleaning, mopping the floor, sweeping, minor electricity maintenance and plumbing, cleaning toilets, lawn, and clearing up snow off pathways.


35⟩ Tell us how would you keep yourself boosted by performing repeated cleaning tasks?

By posting this question the interviewer would like to know if your quality of work would be constant. You can mention that you are motivated in performing the job though there is no great difference each day, and you’re faster each day in performing janitor job as you are well-versed in the chore. You can say that you also find new ways so that you’re more efficient and achieve work in short timings.


38⟩ Tell us something you have done beyond your duty level?

This type of character interview questions are asked to know your efficiency and if you would be ready to do any task at times. You can mention an example where you worked in an organization which had less staff. At that moment, you were asked to do extra shift in order to support your organization.


40⟩ Tell us will it be ok for you to work for night shifts and how do you manage?

You can say that you are comfortable and agree to work for a night shift. You can say that it is unusual timing, but you are used to be awake at night hours and hence there are no hassles in working for a night shift. You can also assure the employer that you would sleep for eight hours in the daytime and hence you do not find yourself exhausted during work.