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“Pediatrician related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with job experience as Pediatrician. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts”

28 Pediatrician Questions And Answers

24⟩ Tell me what supplements do you recommend for children?

Take note of their answer and research on your own if what they recommended is something you would choose too. I once had a pediatrician recommend a liquid vitamin for my six-month-old. I was shocked to find the first ingredient was high fructose corn syrup. No doubt that pediatrician and I were on different pages when it came to infant nutrition.


26⟩ Tell me how technological is your office?

Some offices function with phone calls and letters. Others have text messaging and email access. Neither is necessarily better or worse, but determine what would be easiest for you and your lifestyle.


27⟩ Tell me what parenting books do you recommend?

Pediatricians are truly one of our greatest resources throughout our parenting experience (and one we're paying money for!) so gather their wisdom and make your appointment last far beyond the half-hour face-to-face with their recommended reading.


28⟩ Tell me are you part of a group practice?

If you go with a doctor in a solo practice, find out who covers when he's away. If he's part of a group practice, ask about the background of the other doctors. Some practices have pediatric nurse practitioners. They are fully trained nurses often with an MA and specialized training. Physician assistants are not nurses. They have college degrees and two years of physician assistant training.