Ward Nurse

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“Ward Nurse Frequently Asked Questions in various Ward Nurse job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job interview”

25 Ward Nurse Questions And Answers

21⟩ Tell us what experience do you have in this field?

I've worked in a methadone clinic for a year so I have experience working on a team with medical staff and psychiatric professionals. At CENTAUR I work in both outpatient and transitional housing so I have experience balancing two different treatment settings and with multiple mental health diagnosis. I have a lot of experience with substance abuse, I did my internship with residential program and volunteered my time running groups and and seeing client there for a year after. CENTAUR I have many client with severe mental disorders and experience working with psychiatric provider and helping clients with medication management.


22⟩ Tell me what is your greatest weakness? What are you doing to improve it as Ward Nurse?

My greatest weakness is sometimes I overwork myself. I had a habit of coming to work 1.5 hours early and staying an hour late to get work done and it was draining me. I recognized this wasn't healthy or making me more effective. I had to learn that everything wasn't going to get done in one day in this field. I cut down the over time I was working and learned to be more comfortable with leaving work for the next day and I found everything would still get done when it needed to and I was more rested.


23⟩ Tell me about a specific time when you had to handle a tough problem which challenged fairness or ethical issues?

Often times disclosure of confidential information. I am very aware of HIPPA policy and patient doctor confidentiality. My parents have always taught me that information that is shared with you, is an honor and is to be treated as sacred. This rule, I always apply. However there was an instance where I had to report one of my peers I was mentoring becaus she displayed suicidal symptoms in her idioms and language. It was difficult for me to break the confidentiality but ethically I did the responsible thing and could have very well saved her life.


24⟩ Tell us how would you handle a situation where the patient complained about everything you did?

Do tell them- Tell them about a past experience you’ve had that you feel you handled with care and understanding, always focus on the positive

Don’t tell them- About the time you got really mad at a patient because “he hit the call button too many times.” At times you can get frustrated but no one wants to hire a nurse that gets frustrated at their patients.