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“Foodservices Frequently Asked Questions in various FoodService job Interviews by interviewer. The set of questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”

52 Food Service Questions And Answers

41⟩ What's your five year goals?

Employers know that every person that is responsible will have some type of goal. When being asked this from a recruiter, they are really just trying to find out if you have any goals or dreams. Although, how you respond is important too.

When answering, many tend to make a mistake, such as saying their dream is to have a business of their own. This is not a good response as companies are not looking to hire someone with the goal of leaving in a couple years to begin their own business.

Because of this, it's best to mention personal goals, or if possible connect your future goals with the company in some way. Below are some good answers to respond with during an interview.

"My five year goal is to be a great manager and helping obtain exceptional results for my employer and the company. "


43⟩ What was your reason for applying?

The interviewer will attempt to understand motives and intentions, this can actually benefit you as well. By preparing great answer to the question, you may be able to convenience the interviewer that it's worth spending time talking to you for the position, right from the start.

The may thing to remember is to talk about the company rather than yourself (explained later). Prior to the interview it is recommend that you take a look at their website, and the jobs description so that you are ale to prepare a better answer.

"The job description really stuck out to me and I liked the positions responsibilities. I believe I am a perfect match for the position, and a potential asset for the team and company. That is the reason behind submitting my application, and I have relative work experience as well."


44⟩ What is the reason we should hire you?

This can be one of the harder questions of an interview. However, if you prepare an answer that is convincing, it can lead to you being hired for the job.

This is where your USP (Unique Selling Point) comes into play, and should be your main focus. It refers to showing the interviewer something unique that separates you from the rest, something no one else is offering to the employer. At this stage, generalized phrases will not be effective. You will need to find something unique that you can provide.

I am able to fulfill all of the requirements of the position. Although, I'm sure there are others who can fulfill all of them too, but being a nice person I aim to create a great atmosphere in the workplace. This helps, especially when the team is stressed and beginning to be negative about reaching goals.


45⟩ During downtime, how would you assist your coworkers?

No one wants a host at the front of their restaurant standing around looking bored. If there is a lull, a good host should assess the needs of their coworkers, seeing what needs to be done. A strong candidate will know this and will probably have some ideas of typical tasks that they could perform to help out.


46⟩ Why would you be a great addition to our team?

No matter what type of restaurant you run, the serving staff must function as a team in order for the end goal - customer satisfaction - to be achieved. You definitely want to hire a team player! Just chatting with the candidate should give you a good idea of their social skills and personality, but this question provides them an opportunity to shine, describing their best qualities.


47⟩ What was the reason for leaving your previous job?

Life is all about change, but when it comes to employers, they are looking to understand why you decided to make the change in employment.

It is important that you remain positive, without responding negatively about the prior employer or co-workers. Your response should focus on the future rather than the past.

"I did not find my previous job to be to easy and not enough challenge. It did not motivate me anymore. I liked my boss and co-workers, but I found myself no longer motivated by the position. Based on the description of this position, I believe it will create new motivation for me."


48⟩ How do you function in a fast-paced work environment?

Being a server can be a highly stressful job. If a candidate indicates that they shut down under pressure, they may not be right for the job. Ideally, they will not be afraid of a hectic environment; some people even thrive in that type of situation.


49⟩ Is there any questions you would like to ask?

During or after the interview you will be given a chance to ask questions. It's a good idea to ask at least one or two questions, or more. This shows that you have a true interest in the company, and that you're motivated for the job. However, what do you ask?

It is important not to ask about something that was previously mentioned or answered during the interview, or was already explained in the job description, the interviewer will take this as a sign you were not paying attention. Below are some question ideas:

• What will the next step be in the interview process?

• Can you provide more detail about the workplace environment?

• What are the company goals for the next year, five years, or ten years?


50⟩ Give me examples of ideas you've had and implemented?

I have implemented ideas of how to set the seasonal christmas aisle differently than according to the corporate planogram. Much to the chagrin of the district manager, it worked out well and we had a great sell through of Christmas merchandise.


51⟩ What's your largest achievements?

Employers look at achievements as being more significant than experience, and everyone has some type of achievement. However, some people just don't realize they have them, or they're not able to talk about them.

When it comes to this question, both personal and work, tangible or intangible achievements can leave an impression on the interviewer. For instance, if you used to be a heavy smoker and quit, it shows that you have strong will power and determination.

Life has created achievements on it's own, you just have to realize how and choose the best ones for answering this question.

"When I was the Sales Manager for XYZ Inc., sales increased 20% yearly."


52⟩ What expectations do you have for salary?

If you reach this question during the interview, it means they are considering you as a potential hire. However, you should never be the one that brings it up.

The correct way to respond is by making the interviewer aware that your deciding factor is not based on the salary. Although, you don't want to respond with less than your lowest expectations. If responding with a number is required, the best thing is to have average salary statistics to back you up.

"Salary isn't a deciding factor to me. I like the description of the position and would like the job. I can accept average salary for the position that's in the $35,000 to $40,000 range, according to my statistical knowledge."