Job References

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“Job Referencing Frequently Asked Questions in various Job References job Interviews by interviewer. The set of questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”

56 Job References Questions And Answers

21⟩ Whom the references do matter to regarding job references?

Sure, a reference's answers hold a lot of weight but who the reference is can be just as telling to a hiring manager. If the only references you can provide are your mom, your sister and your best friend, it might raise a red flag with the potential employer.

Most employers would prefer that a job seeker choose a former manager or supervisor as a reference. This is because managers are usually able to deliver a relatively unbiased opinion and are much less likely to be swayed into giving a positive referral if one isn't truly deserved. A manager is also a good pick for a reference because a positive referral from him will hold more weight than one from a co-worker who is similarly ranked. Job seekers should also select references who worked with them for at least a year, have a good understanding of their abilities and can attest to their positive attributes.


24⟩ Tell me about references?

References are often the last step in the screening process before an employer extends an offer. While every company has a different policy on references, most still ask for them. What a reference says or does not say, can sometimes make the difference between getting an offer or not.


25⟩ Tell me about employment verification regarding job references?

The standard questions a hiring manager will ask are ones related to your employment. The employer will want to verify that you did indeed work with this reference, the dates of your employment and the reference's relationship to you. Employers also want to know why you left. It is very important that their story matches that of the candidate. If the candidate says it was a mutual parting but the reference says they were let go or laid off, there will be a problem. The candidate should always be truthful when asked why they left, as the potential employer will check out their story.


26⟩ Tell me what is job references?

Employers usually ask for a job reference page (a list of people who can vouch for your skills and qualifications) before they make a hiring choice. That means you need to have a reference page ready so when someone asks for one, you can respond quickly.


27⟩ Please tell me what is a job?

A job can be defined in different ways:

☛ A paid position of regular employment.

☛ A task or piece of work, especially one that is paid.

☛ To do casual or occasional work.

☛ Buy and sell as a broker-dealer, especially on a small scale.


28⟩ How would you find out what kind of reference someone is giving you?

If you are worried about what kind of reference you will get from your old boss, you can always politely ask whether or not you are safe using her as a reference. Unless your former boss is crazy or malicious, she is unlikely to be so committed to thwarting your job search that she would lie to you about this. But if you do not trust her to be candid with you, you can have someone else call and do a reference check on you. There are companies you can hire for that, but there is nothing that says you can't have a friend do it for you for free.


29⟩ Why does it look bad when a reference you provided was not expecting the call?

When you provide your old manager's number, the potential employer assumes you have told her to expect the call. It is assumed that he/she is going to be ready to talk about you and it does not look great if her first response is, "Who?" You also want to make sure that your references are available, not out of town or otherwise unreachable.


33⟩ What are the things which you should know about the job references?

Here are eight things about the reference-checking process that you might not know:

☛ Employers do not always stick to the references on the list you gave them.

☛ "We do not give references" is often a lie.

☛ References are often highly subjective and opinionated.

☛ It looks bad when a reference you provided was not expecting the call.

☛ You can find out what kind of reference someone is giving you.

☛ You might be able to neutralize a bad reference.

☛ If all else fails, consider warning prospective employers that the reference might not be positive.

☛ Letters of reference are rarely worth your time.


34⟩ How long did you and the reference candidate work together?

The length of the association will help establish the credibility of responses to other questions. Obviously, if the reference worked with the candidate for several years, the responses will carry more weight than if the length of their association was only a few months or less.


35⟩ What should you do if you receive a reference request phone call or document?

If you receive a reference request phone call or document. A manager should only speak to areas of the employee's skills and experience about which he has direct knowledge.

There are several questions a manager should not answer:

☛ Example Question: Predict whether your former employee will be successful in the position for which they are being considered. (Got a crystal ball, anyone?)

Good answer: When the employee worked for me, in her position with my company, she was a strong contributor whose work was appreciated.

Example Question: What were the employee's weaknesses?

Good answer: She had no weaknesses worth mentioning that affected her ability to perform her job capably, when she worked for me.

☛ Example Question: Why did the employee leave the position in which she reported to you?

Good Answer: She sought increased responsibility and to round out her knowledge of our company and products.


36⟩ What should you do if respond to reference check request is not positive?

If the employee left your company under a cloud, whether the employee was a bad fit for their job, a non-contributing employee for other reasons or unmanageable, I recommend you refer the call or the form to human resources staff for a standard response. Sometimes unusual circumstances surround an employee's leaving your company. Perhaps an employee was watching pornography on his computer. Yes, he asked me to be his reference. Another former employee may have threatened violence or committed a violent act while employed by your firm. While these former employees will rarely list your company as a reference, be prepared. These calls should be sent to human resource staff for the standard response.


37⟩ When does an employee ask for a reference letter?

Once a document exists, it lives forever. I have had prospective employees give me copies of letters that were 10 and 20 years out of date, sometimes barely legible from multiple photocopy sessions. After a certain period of time passes, you have no idea what kind of employee your former employee has become, unless he or she is the rare exception who stays in touch. And you never know how your letter will be used or how your words will be interpreted. Adopt a policy that states managers are never to give written, generic reference letters.Inform the former employee that your company will be happy to provide employment confirmation from Human Resources to specific employers who inquire directly.


39⟩ Do letters of reference worth your time?

No one puts critical information in reference letters, so we know they do not count for much. Besides, when hiring managers get to the point when they want to talk to your references, they want to talk to them-on the phone, where they can ask questions and probe around. They want to hear the tone of your reference's voice, hear where they hesitate before answering and hear what happens when they dig around about potential problem areas.


40⟩ Please give some examples of personal references?


☛ Janine provided a personal reference for Katherine recommending her for a job at the local coffee shop.

☛ Mike asked his neighbor for a character reference when he applied to the accounting firm.