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“Layoff related Frequently Asked Questions in various Layoff job Interviews by interviewer. The set of questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”

25 Layoff Questions And Answers

21⟩ What are the impacts that result the layoff?

These are the impacts that result:

☛ Separation from service with your employer.

☛ Employment in a class with a lower salary range maximum.

☛ Reduction in your work year.

☛ Reduction in the number of hours you work.


22⟩ Give examples of layoff actions due to lack of work?

Examples of layoff actions due to lack of work may include, but are not limited to:

☛ Termination of a project or special employment.

☛ Availability of fewer positions than there are employees entitled to such positions.

☛ Employee's ineligibility to continue in a position following its reallocation to a class with a higher salary range maximum.

☛ Employee's ineligibility to continue or choice not to continue, in a position following its reallocation to a class with a lower salary range maximum.


23⟩ Do you know what is a layoff option?

When the employer identifies your layoff option, consideration is given first to classes at the salary range from which you are being laid off in which you have been permanent.

If no option is found, the employer then looks for an option to a class at a lower salary range in which you have held permanent status or an option to lower class in a class series/occupational category in which you have held permanent status. The employer must always consider the classes in descending salary order.


25⟩ Please tell me what is layoff?

Layoff is the temporary suspension or permanent termination of employment of an employee or a group of employees for business reasons, such as when certain positions are no longer necessary or when a business slow-down occurs.

Laid off workers or displaced workers refers to workers who have lost or left their jobs because their employer has closed or moved, there was insufficient work for them to do or their position or shift was abolished.