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“Learn SVG by our SVG Interview Questions and Answers. Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is a family of specifications of XML-based file format for describing two-dimensional vector graphics, both static and dynamic (interactive or animated). Get preparation for Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Jobs by our Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Interview Questions and Answers”

35 SVG Questions And Answers

21⟩ What are filters in SVG?

★ Filters in SVG are used to add special effects to shapes, images and text.

★ There are several parameters in SVG filters.

★ Certain filters are used for drawing objects.

★ Filter Tools allow Javascript / PHP to choose pictures on local disk and modify the images.

★ Certain filters are feColorMatrix, feComponentTransfer,feComposite,feGaussianBlur etc.

★ The filter primitives feSpecularLIghting and feDiffuseLighting are used with feComposite for creating lighted drawing.

★ The filter primitives feImage, feFlood and feOffset are used for creating input for other filters.

★ To create cloud patterns, feTurbulence with feColorMatrix is used.

★ The filters feGaussianBlur, feOffset, feSpecularLIghting and feComposite are used for creating 3D light effect.


22⟩ What are Gradients in SVG?

Smooth transition from color to color is known as gradient.

★ Same element can be applied with several color transitions.

★ The types of gradients are:

1) Linear Gradients: Vertical, horizontal and angular gradients are known as Linear Gradients.

★ The tag <linearGradient> within <defs> tag is used to define linear gradients.

★ Linear Gradients effects from left to right or right to left or in diagonal directions of the object

2) Radial Gradients: The gradients with one color to another color is known as Radial Gradients.

★ Radial Gradients affects the middle part of the image.


23⟩ Define VML?

★ Vector Markup Language supports vector graphic information markup.

★ The contents are composed of described paths using connected lines and curves.

★ VMS uses CSS Level 2 to determine the layout of the vector graphics.

★ The workflow for rendering VML is similar to that of HTML rendering.

★ The VML workflow generates the locations with related information for vector paths and related objects.

★ Followed by these operations, the bit map objects are rendered using the native operating system functionality.


24⟩ Define VRML?

VRML - Virtual Reality Modeling Language to describe 3D image sequences.

★ A sequence of visual images into Web settings are build, with which a web user can interact with 3D scene.

★ VRML viewer should be plugged-in for a browser to view VRML file.

★ Blaxxun's CC Pro, Platinum's Cosmo Player, WebFx, WorldView and Fountain are the VRML viewers for MS Windows platform.

★ Whurlwind and Voyager are the VRML viewers for Apple's Mac.


25⟩ List the different movie formats?

Following are some of the movie formats with file extensions and their description:

1) .3mm - 3D Movie Maker Movie

2) .aep - After Effects Project

3) .amv - Anime Music Video File

4) .asx - Microsoft ASF Redirector File

5) .avb - Avid Bin File

6) .gvp - Google Video Poiner

7) .lsf - Streaming Media Format

8) .m4e - MPEG-4 Video Format

9) .mjp - MJPEG Video File.

10) .rm - Real Media File

11) .siv - Sonic Imaging Video File


26⟩ What is anti-aliasing In SVG?

★ Anti-aliasing allows the images to soften the sharp edges in order to appear less jagged when rendered.

★ Anti-aliasing is performed by multi-sampling each pixel at multiple pixel locations and samples combining for generating a final pixel color, is done.

★ The amount of anti-aliasing is increased by increasing the number of samples per pixel, to generate smooth edge.

★ 4x and 2x multi-sampling needs 4 and 2 sample per pixel respectively.

★ Use GraphicsAdapter in XNA Game Studio 3.1.


27⟩ What are Vector Graphics?

Vector Graphics:

★ Vector Graphics are scalable.

★ They are cartoon-like and resolution independent.

★ They does not require background.

★ They are inappropriate to generate photo-realistic images.


28⟩ What are Bit-map Graphics?

Bit-map Graphics:

★ Bit-map images have pixels in a grid.

★ Re-sizing the image reduces the quality.

★ They are resolution dependent.

★ They can be converted into other format easily.


29⟩ Tell me why the flash animations are smaller in bits?

★ Flash files are smaller in size than animated GIFs, as they would not store every single frame of a specific animation.

★ As Flash files use vector art, it needs only mathematical data, rather than raster art.

★ Raster images, sounds and video that are added to Flash, increase the file size.

★ Flash animations are to provide security vulnerability compared to raster images.

★ Image quality in Flash is better than other animated images like GIF.

★ All raster images are limited by their palette, while flash is not limited in that aspect.


30⟩ How you can convert bitmap data to vector data and back?

★ At times there would be a need to transform a bitmap into a vector image.

★ Outlining is known as the process to convert bitmap data to vector graphics.

★ Simplest way of converting bitmap image into vector image is to place the bit map image on the background of the canvas of any drawing application.

★ Manually draw over the graphics on the canvas.

★ The simple form of converting vector graphics into bitmap is to take a screen capture and save the image.

★ Photoshop opens some vector files and rasterizing them to convert it into bitmap file.


31⟩ Tell me why plug-in is required to view SVG files?

★ The <embed> and <object> tags are embedded into HTML page.

★ The type attribute might be set to incompatible MIME type.

★ The SVG MIME type is image/svg+xml.

★ To identify the <embed> and <object> tags along with SVG, the SVG plug-in is needed.

★ The plug-in need to be properly set. The SVG MIME type sometimes set as image/svg-xml. This will not recognize the <embed> and <object> tags.


32⟩ Define actions in Photoshop?

★ Actions in Photoshop represents a series of recording steps applied by the designer.

★ Images / photos can enhance and enrich with a single click of a button.

★ Actions are identified by using .atn extension.

★ After loading the .atn file in the action palette, the folder can be selected and expanded by the user.

★ User clicks on play after highlighting the designated action from the folder.

★ The photo executes through a set of steps.


33⟩ Described lossless image optimization tool?

★ PNGOUT is one of the lossless image optimization tools.

★ PNGOUT can run in the command line or in Windows Run dialog box.

★ The options available in PNGOUT are robust.

★ Image compression can be done easily and also customized.

★ PNGOUT supports image optimization for JPG,GIF and PNG format files.


34⟩ What is RIOT image optimization tool?

RIOT - Radical Image Optimization Tool, an image optimizer for MS-Windows users, available as a standalone application.

★ It is available as an extension of IrfanView.

★ RIOT supports JPG,GIF and PNG files.

★ It has the ability for stripping out the image metadata for file bloat reduction.

★ An image can be edited like pan, zoom, rotate and flip built-in.


35⟩ Described AOL's 'art' format?

AOL downloads are sometimes not compatible with other graphic formats.

★ The graphics are converted to .art file format. This format is not compatible with other browsers.

Following is the solution for this incompatibility:

1) Click on Members from AOL Menu Bar.

2) Select Preferences. Click on WWW.

3) Select the Web Graphics tab.

4) Uncheck the box for Use Compressed Graphics.

★ The files in Temporary Internet Files can be deleted for clearing the web cache.