Project Coordinator

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“Project Assistant Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience in Project Coordinator. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job test and quickly revise the concepts”

68 Project Coordinator Questions And Answers

61⟩ Tell us about yourself?

I am a motivated and highly-energized project coordinator and have been working in this field for the past 4 years. I am good at organizing things and working on a timeline. My formal training in project coordination is from IBM Institute of Arts and management.


62⟩ What is the thing you would like to change about yourself?

Sometimes, I feel I am too much of a perfectionist. I am not pleased by things, themes, and arrangements easily and this trait burdens me at times more than the project would if my standards of work were in the same plane with the client's expectations which are almost always less than what I expect of the project.


64⟩ What are the main steps involved in planning a project?

Project management has three main phases. The preliminary phase involves understanding the project requirements after meeting with the clients and setting a budget. The second phase is that of planning and time line development and the final phase involves implementation of the plan.


65⟩ What are your long term career goals?

This is a good chance to tell the interviewer how you progressed through your career, how you started and where you are at, today, and that you are right on track. Be specific and to the point.


66⟩ What do you feel your weaknesses are?

Do not confess to any work-related weaknesses. The interviewer is simply trying to find out where you feel that you need improvement, but do not confess to having any weaknesses. Instead, tell them of a weakness that is actually a strength. Keep your answer very short and to the point.


67⟩ Why have you left your last job?

Give a positive answer no matter what happened at your last job. Do not mention that there are issues with management or their products as this is only your opinion. Do not spend a lot of time on this question as you may give the interviewer reason to doubt your story.