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“Learn Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) SDK Interview Questions and Answers”

71 WCF SDK Questions And Answers

46⟩ Described the Intent component of Android?

Think of Intent as a message to allow the application to request action from the other application components (like activity), for instance VIEW, CALL, PLAY etc.

Suppose, on your Facebook app, the running activity is the Newsfeed, and you want to view (in full frame) a pic your friend posted. The click action on the photo would be the View Photo Intent, and the Photo screen (which is a new activity) gets loaded on the click (as the message is communicated).


47⟩ What is APK format for Android?

The APK file is compressed AndroidManifest.xml file with extension .apk. It also includes the application code (.dex files), resource files, and other files which are compressed into a single .apk file.


49⟩ Described bin file in Android?

It contains the .apk file (Android Package) that is generated by the ADT during the build process. An .apk file is the application binary file. It contains everything needed to run an Android application.


50⟩ Described gen folder in Android?

This folder contains the R.java file. It is compiler-generated file that references all the resources found in your project. You should not modify this file.


52⟩ Described res folder in Android?

This folder contains all the resource file that is used byandroid application. It contains subfolders as: drawable, menu, layout, and values etc.


53⟩ Described src file in Android?

src Contains the .java source files for your project. You write the code for your application in this file. This file is available under the package name for your project.


56⟩ What are the application of shared preference?

★ Storing the information about number of visitors (counter).

★ Storing the date and time (when your Application is updated).

★ Storing the username and password.

Storing the user settings.


57⟩ What kind of information about application AndroidManifest.xml file contains?

★ It contains the package name of the application.

★ The version code of the application is 1.This value is used to identify the version number of your application.

★ The version name of the application is 1.0

★ The android:minSdkVersion attribute of the element defines the minimum version of the OS on which the application will run.

★ ic_launcher.png is the default image that located in the drawable folders.

★ app_name defines the name of applicationand available in the strings.xml file.

★ It also contains the information about the activity. Its name is same as the application name.


58⟩ Described AIDL?

★ AIDL is the abbreviation for Android Interface Definition Language.

★ It handles the interface requirements between a client and a service to communicate at the same level through inter-process communication.

★ The process involves breaking down objects into primitives that are Android understandable.