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“Health Insurance Specialist based Frequently Asked Questions in various Health Insurance Specialist job interviews by interviewer. These professional questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answers posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting”

62 Health Insurance Specialist Questions And Answers

22⟩ Explain me have you worked on insurance or patient accounts receivables?

Just about every practice has some outstanding unpaid claims (A/R or Accounts Receivable) or patient balances. May have a significant amount of money “stranded” and waiting for claim issues to be resolved. If you have experience resolving unpaid claims and reducing A/R this is a huge plus. These type of questions are not uncommon as one of the top interview questions because so many practices struggle with unpaid claims.


23⟩ Please explain are you familiar with Electronic Medical Records (EMR) systems? Which ones have you used. How did you use it?

The use of medical records software - also referred to to as EMR or EHR software - is increasingly important to providers. They may want the biller and/or coder to enter and maintain information in the EMR system. Employers value someone who is proficient in electronic medical records software and know how to use it. It can also be a valuable asset to the biller and coder in their job when verifying patient information and treatments for a claim. Many billing and practice management software programs are increasingly integrated or interface with the EMR system.


24⟩ Explain me why did you choose [your sector within health care] as a profession?

This is a specific one, and the question itself will be tailored toward you and the job at stake. The gist of it is: Employers want to know your motivations.

An anecdote is the strongest way to address this question, Lin says. Sharing a personal story connects your human side with your clinical skills.

My father was terribly sick when I was a teenager, and most of my free time was spent in a caregiving role. I admit I surprised myself by how fulfilling I found it. Even though I missed a lot of social events, it instilled in me a drive to provide that level of care to others, which I’ve done throughout my career.


26⟩ Tell me how would I exceed your expectations on a short-term basis, say, in the first 30 to 60 days on the job?

Such a question lets your interviewer know that you want to be effective from day one, says career coach Julie, founder of Act Three. It suggests initiative and preparation, which are critical in the employer's hiring decision. The answer should give you "more in-depth knowledge about the tasks and challenges you'll be facing in your first couple of months


27⟩ Please explain about a time when you disagreed with a co-worker?

This is another classic. It’s open-ended—you can likely pick from a wide variety of experiences—but it’s important to pick the right experience. In other words, pick the time where you handled the situation like a true pro.

Employers are interested in how you deal with conflict. After all, health care jobs are often high-stress and disagreements among team members are unavoidable.

A new specialist who was brought onto our care team disagreed with the approach we were taking with a cancer patient, wanting to pursue a more aggressive treatment. However, the family and patient had already made it clear that they were ready to look at palliative options. I made a commitment to talk with the specialist briefly when we were both free. We met and I went over some information about ensuring the patient and family have a voice in the care team, and the specialist appreciated the reminder. We ended up pursuing the original plan I’d laid out.


28⟩ Please explain do you know how to submit claims to a clearinghouse? Have you ever set up a provider with a clearinghouse or resolved claim submittal problems with them?

Sometimes there are format or compatibility problems when sending claims to a clearinghouse - especially when setting them up. There’s also a lot of paperwork and forms to fill out when you sign up a provider or practice. Most clearinghouses also provide valuable reporting features to help scrub and catch claim errors so they can be corrected before being sent to the insurance company. Being able to use these features and tools and understand them is valuable experience.


30⟩ Tell me have you ever had to negotiate in order to get your way when working in a group?

Yes. At my last position when I was working in a group which was focused around one client’s auto claim, it seemed initially like no one could come to an agreement on what the accident should be covered under. One group member claimed that it rested under one policy, another employee claimed that the accident was the client’s fault and should therefore be handled differently, and I had a third option which involved neither of the first two. We sat down and successfully navigated the situation until we all came to a unanimous understanding of the subject. It’s my belief that we got the client the best outcome possible for their troubles.


32⟩ Explain me about your most hostile patient-collection case. What was the problem you encountered? Were you able to negotiate payment?

We had this patient whom we knew to be extremely difficult. She had a cosmetic procedure done and billed it to the agency who denied it. It was quite a horror trying to extract payment from her as she used abusive language and threatened to take us to court. We managed to negotiate payment from her by reasoning with her gently initially and then very sweetly telling her that we will take legal action. She paid three days later.


34⟩ Tell us what Would You Change About Existing Record Systems?

A medical reimbursement specialist facilitates the claims payment process, spanning from the time a service is rendered right up until the balance is paid. They need to know about coding, medical terminology, insurance claims and billing, appeals and denials, privacy laws and compliance regulations. Record systems in physicians' offices, billing services and health care insurance companies can be very complex. Describe a health record index or storage retrieval system you’ve worked with and elaborate on procedures you feel could be improved. This shows a potential employer that you take pride in your work and think about ways to make the process more effective for the business and customers alike.


35⟩ Explain me what specialties have you billed or coded for?

Certain specialties have unique coding and billing requirements. For example some mental health specialties have limitations on the number of visits and require pre-authorizations. These have to be monitored so there are no surprises for either the patient or the provider. If you don't have experience in this particular providers specialty, emphasize your experience in billing for other unique specialties and your ability to adapt and understand the unique billing requirements for specialties.


36⟩ Explain me how do you deal with difficult or angry patients?

If you are a medical billing specialist, you will eventually deal with an angry patient. A lot of times they don’t understand their insurance coverage and they take their frustrations out on you - the bearer of the bad news. So when they receive a statement, that’s usually when they call the billing department and want to know why they owe something - or why it’s so much. That’s when it’s important for the biller to patiently explain their insurance coverage and if they desire more info to call their insurance company. Questions about dealing with patients are typically one of the top interview questions for billers.


37⟩ Operational and Situational Health Insurance Specialist Interview Questions

☛ Describe your typical day at your current/previous job. How do you prioritize your work?

☛ How would you rate your proficiency with Microsoft Office programs, especially Excel?

☛ Describe your familiarity with billing and invoice software.

☛ How many invoices do you handle on a daily basis?

☛ Describe a time you had an invoice discrepancy with a client. How did you resolve it?

☛ Explain the financial transactions involved in the billing process and your experience with each (i.e. classifying, computing, posting, verifying, recording)

☛ How do you keep track of incoming payments and ensure that it is in compliance with financial procedures? How do you ensure that they’re properly posted and accounted for?

☛ How do you ensure the timely collection of invoices?

☛ Describe your most hostile payment collection call. How did you handle it?

☛ Describe a time you went the extra mile to deliver excellent customer service.

☛ Describe a time you worked with a team to complete a project on a tight deadline.

☛ As a billing specialist, have you ever faced an ethical dilemma at work? How did you respond?

☛ What skills do you deem necessary for a billing specialist with our firm. Do you think you possess these skills?

☛ This job can be repetitive. What motivates you to do well?


38⟩ Panel based Health Insurance Specialist interview questions

☛ Give me examples of projects tasks you started on your own.

☛ If you were interviewing someone for Health Insurance Specialist position, what traits would you look for?

☛ What's the most important thing you learned in school?

☛ What are the key values of a Health Insurance Specialist? How do you demonstrate these values?

☛ Have you ever had to introduce a policy change to your work group?

☛ How did you handle meeting a tight deadline?

☛ What performance standards do you have for your unit?


39⟩ Group based Health Insurance Specialist interview questions

☛ What questions do you have for me?

☛ What do you find are the most difficult decisions to make?

☛ How do you define your key team members?

☛ What was your best learning experience?

☛ What are your salary increases?

☛ What personal weakness has caused you the greatest difficulty in school or at work?

☛ Does your Health Insurance Specialist work relate to any experiences or studies you had in college?


40⟩ General Health Insurance Specialist interview questions

☛ What do (did) you not like?

☛ Wouldn't you be better off in a bigger (smaller) organization?

☛ Do you have a geographic preference?

☛ How much money do you need to make?

☛ Which is more important to you, the money or type of job?

☛ Which areas of your work are most often praised?

☛ Do you check your messages while on vacation?